View Full Version : support for VTI is cancelled

17-11-10, 21:40
VTI doesn´t support no longer the image.The have stopped VTI2.1,if the cannot remove the problem with recording.The will not implement the new driver/image from VU5.4.
i think VTI is dead.Should i wait or should i switch to VXI?

17-11-10, 22:10
They are going to keep on supporting the VU but not make a image with the VU 5.4 original image

Dont let this stop you having a try of the VIX image for your Duo/Solo

Kein VTI Image auf Basis des Original Image 5.4 (Treiber 11.11.2010)

Hi @all,

nach interner Diskussion im VTI - Team haben wir uns entschlossen kein VTI - Image auf Basis des Originalimages Version 5.4 mit dem Treiberstand vom 11.11.2010 zu veröffentlichen.

Warum wurde diese Entscheidung getroffen ?

Aufgrund der größeren Änderungen im Treibersystem des neuen Images haben sich Fehler eingeschlichen, die durch Treiberfixes von VU+ behoben werden müssen. Ein VTI Image auf Basis der Treiber vom 11.11.2010 würde die selben Bugs enthalten. Somit würden Funktionseinschränkungen auftreten die zu einer Verschlechterung des bisherigen Standes führen.

Bitte habt Verständnis für diese Entscheidung.

Eurer VTI - Team

17-11-10, 22:20
And that translated comes up with:

No Image VTI based on the original Image 5.4 (driver 11/11/2010)

Hi @ all,

after internal discussion in the VTI - Team we have decided not VTI - to publish images on the basis of the original image with the version 5.4 driver update 11.11.2010.

Why is this decision made?

Due to major changes in driver system of the new images have crept errors that need to be driver fixes from VU + fixed. VTI an image based on the driver of 11/11/2010 would contain the same bugs. Thus, functional impairment would occur leading to a deterioration of the current state.

Please understand this decision.

Your VTI - Team

17-11-10, 22:24
looks like VIX is taking over the world. well done VIX well done andy

17-11-10, 22:26
looks like VIX is taking over the world. well done VIX well done andy

I think that once vu have released drivers more stable (or they've sorted a way to make it more stable :p) they'll release a new version ;)

17-11-10, 22:28
Maybe the Irdeto bug is a contributing factor in the decision.

19-11-10, 13:16
what happen now?
VTI have a new release.Why now?

19-11-10, 13:33

Is there a list of the issues that are described as making the VU Officical drivers unstable.


19-11-10, 16:18
Blackhole is working great with latest drivers but it seems BH is corporated with the company Vuplus them self now.

20-11-10, 11:31
Well.VTI have many troubles with recording.But now i try VIX,and this works well.Next i will try BH.

20-11-10, 12:03
BlackHole is a very stabile image,i never use it until now but i have to say that i am impressed by how this image is working

21-11-10, 17:15
Due to major changes in driver system of the new images have crept errors that need to be driver fixes from VU + fixed. VTI an image based on the driver of 11/11/2010 would contain the same bugs. Thus, functional impairment would occur leading to a deterioration of the current state.
Does anybody know for sure whether other image suppliers such as ViX have ignored the apparent bugs or fixed them themselves?
Maybe all images based on original 5.4 are buggy?

21-11-10, 17:24
edit: I've realised the latest ViX image is based on 5.3 rather than 5.4
So maybe they too are avoiding 5.4