View Full Version : [VU+ Duo2] Apollo 007 will not connect to internet

16-06-14, 12:15
I have flashed the new 007 Apollo update but when I try to go through the network wizzard to connect the box at the very end I get a software problem notice/ fault and the box reboots. I cannot get round thus cycle. I have reverted back to Apollo 003 and this works fine.
For some reason my vu duo2 box never remembers the internet settings and I always have to input all the details and password everytime I do a reflash.

16-06-14, 12:27
I have flashed the new 007 Apollo update but when I try to go through the network wizzard to connect the box at the very end I get a software problem notice/ fault and the box reboots.

It's a known issue & being looked into.

16-06-14, 12:35
Ok judge thank you can you post when this is fixed?

16-06-14, 12:47
Does this affect duo2 if restoring settings with static ip?

16-06-14, 12:48
Ok judge thank you can you post when this is fixed?

Little point...
You had the issue flagged in big red type & a forced read in this thread (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?38840-Apollo-007-has-been-released-Reflash-required&p=297587&viewfull=1#post297587)!

16-06-14, 13:00
Sorry judge not sure how I managed that!