View Full Version : Understanding the World of Receivers

15-06-14, 15:32
Hi Guys

New member here. No previous experience whatsoever in terms of Satellites and/or Receivers, so a total newb!

Therefore I'm just trying to gain a basic understanding of what's what. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

So here is what my assumptions are so far....

- A receiver gets purchased.
- An "Image" then needs to be downloaded, which is the equivalent (or similar) to loading Windows onto a PC.
- Hypothetically speaking, TV channels can then be setup and various plugins can be downloaded to watch movies.

What else can be done with such hardware / what other purposes to people use them for? Again please excuse my ignorance to the subject.


15-06-14, 16:50
You can use them to network to your network and watch files from a NAS or another box.

Can surf the net and watch Youtube

there are plugins that will allow you to do other things as well

control a motorised dish

probably some obviouse ones I have overlooked