View Full Version : [GI-XPEED LX3] Can not connect with FileZilla

13-06-14, 17:05
I Have been trying to connect to my LX3 with FileZilla but I keep getting

Connection attempt failed with "ECONNREFUSED - Connection refused by server"

I have done a Network test :LAN connection and all 5 Boxes are Green Ticked what am I missing as my Solo2 Connects perfectly :confused:
so I know that it is user error and I have forgotten to do something

Regards norm

I entered 003 but it changed to Apollo

13-06-14, 17:07
did you check if FTP-server is installed and running? IP correct?


13-06-14, 17:24
Just checked FTP Setup and it says Current Status: Stopped in a red Box tried pressing the Green Button to Enable it and nothing happens

13-06-14, 17:26
Try a full reboot, if still not maybe re-flash build 003. Dont to do any online updates until 006 is online.

Have you installed any plugins? Maybe something you've installed causing this?

13-06-14, 17:36
The box is still as when I received it yesterday with Apollo 3 installed all I did was set up the Tuners I will try a Full Reboot
if that dose not work I will do a re-flash as you suggest
I have Apollo 3 ready on a memory stick :D

Just tried a Full Re-boot and still the same so I will do a fresh install of Apollo 3 and set it up again from scratch without my Back up that I made

13-06-14, 18:33
Try a full reboot, if still not maybe re-flash build 003. Dont to do any online updates until 006 is online.

Thank you Sicilian the re-flash worked a treat I think that the WLAN was overriding the LAN settings as that now as a red X against it :thumbsup:

16-06-14, 03:26
I bought an LX3 last week, I've also had FTP problems with Apollo 003, but here's a way to fix it without a re-flash:

ssh root@<your-lx3-ip-address>, e.g. ssh root@
Add the line 'ftp stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/vsftpd vsftpd' to '/etc/inetd.conf' , this can do with the command 'echo ftp stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/vsftpd vsftpd >> /etc/inetd.conf'
Check that the column spacing/tabs of that line are correct within '/etc/inetd.conf' (use 'vi /etc/inetd.conf' then use cursor keys or 'h j k l' to move, 'i' to insert, 'esc' to leave insert mode, ':x' to save/exit (no quotes)). Add necessary spacing (tabs), if necessary!
Finally, back at the terminal prompt, restart the 'inetd' Linux super-server process with '/etc/init.d/inetd.busybox restart' (no quotes).

For me, at least, I found this easier than reflashing the LX3 (however, looks like I've got to do that anyway to get to Apollo 007 - hey, I'm not complaining, it's all good :thumbsup: ).

Hope this helps someone


03-09-15, 06:08
I bought an LX3 last week, I've also had FTP problems with Apollo 003, but here's a way to fix it without a re-flash:

ssh root@<your-lx3-ip-address>, e.g. ssh root@
Add the line 'ftp stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/vsftpd vsftpd' to '/etc/inetd.conf' , this can do with the command 'echo ftp stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/vsftpd vsftpd >> /etc/inetd.conf'
Check that the column spacing/tabs of that line are correct within '/etc/inetd.conf' (use 'vi /etc/inetd.conf' then use cursor keys or 'h j k l' to move, 'i' to insert, 'esc' to leave insert mode, ':x' to save/exit (no quotes)). Add necessary spacing (tabs), if necessary!
Finally, back at the terminal prompt, restart the 'inetd' Linux super-server process with '/etc/init.d/inetd.busybox restart' (no quotes).

For me, at least, I found this easier than reflashing the LX3 (however, looks like I've got to do that anyway to get to Apollo 007 - hey, I'm not complaining, it's all good :thumbsup: ).

Hope this helps someone


This telnet method really works for ftp problem ! :cool:

i have also this problem since hades version started rolling on my medialink ixuss zero and it's the only way to activate ftp server with hades image!

previously i had to go back to apollo version that works ok

only drawback with this telnet fix is that it's only temporary and after cold boot of the receiver fix is off and it must be made again and again:confused: