View Full Version : [VU+ Duo2] New&Old transcoding issues with the Apollo image

12-06-14, 15:41
Dear developers,

Just in case it's not clear what my receiver is:

System OE: OE-Alliance 2.2
Distro: openvix
Firmware version: Apollo.003
Driver date: 20140424
Kernel version: 3.3.8
Gui version: 2014-06-02

No skins, transcoded plug-in installed by default.

Now for the issues:

I recently upgraded to Apollo 3 from VIX 755 (before Helios and Zeus), because the streaming application of my choice, VU+ Player (Android), has been recently updated and since it's update it stopped streaming transcoded channels.

Now I started having many streaming issues, which I would like to report.

I'm not sure if you remember but I have been reporting issues with streaming of some of channels (not transcoded), thus port 8001, which would not work at all. I tried to use a PC with the stream link and VLC and it would refuse to load. The Android application was not able to stream either, both on the internal network. After a lot of research I have narrowed it down to all the channels that were on the below transponders:

30.0°W Hispasat 1E 12476.00 H 118 Europe DVB-S2 8PSK 27500 3/4 TV Cabo Satelite, 59.9 Mbps NID:54 TID:48
30.0°W Hispasat 1E 12398.00 H 116 Europe DVB-S2 8PSK 27500 3/4 TV Cabo Satelite, 59.9 Mbps NID:54 TID:39

These channels have the same PMT 817 (not sure what PMT means, but it was on Kingofsats). A link to my previous post press here (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?34809-VU-DUO2-not-streaming-some-channels-over-port-8001-%28uncompressed%29).

I have tried to stream these channels on my VU+ DUO2, VU+ DUO, VU+ Solo2 and an Xtrend 9200, none worked.

This was an annoying issue when watching TV channels on other things like laptops and smartphones at home, but at least when requesting a transcoded stream everything worked fine. Even the channels that would not stream uncompressed would stream transcoded without any issues. This on VIX 755 and older.

Now with Apollo 003 image, all the streams that don't work non transcoded (port 8001) will not play in the transcoded format (port 8002). So now I can only stream transcoded about 60% of the channels that I subscribe to. This is extremely annoying.

I am not sure if this only happens on some transponders of Hispasat (30 West) or if other satellites also suffer from this. They are HD and SD channels that don't work, so I can't say that it's too much for the box to handle and they worked before, even if only when transcoded.

I have recently flashed Blackhole, VTI, Openpli and they all suffer from the same problem.

If someone knowledgeable could have a look at this I would greatly appreciate it.

Many thanks in advance.

12-06-14, 16:26
Can you post your transcoding settings? E.g. show us the output of running this script:

if [ "$param" == "" ]; then

for i in /proc/stb/encoder/$param/*;
echo -n $i ''
cat $i

12-06-14, 16:47
I am unsure if it is really related to your transcoding-settings. You could also post the following xml-output:


I think I heard about this issue a long time ago and if I recall correctly, there was a fix in OWIF. Unfortunately, I don't have access to Hispasat so I cannot test. If you are prepared to give me access to your box remotely, I could have a look and see what error-messages I can track in Vu+ Player for Android and see if that would shed some lights. Just send me a PM.

12-06-14, 18:29
Dear finbar,

Please find below the requested information:

/proc/stb/encoder/0/aspectratio 2
/proc/stb/encoder/0/aspectratio_choices 0:auto 1:4x3 2:16x9
/proc/stb/encoder/0/audio_codec aac
/proc/stb/encoder/0/audio_codec_choices mpg mp3 aac aac+ aac+loas aac+adts
/proc/stb/encoder/0/audio_pid 0
/proc/stb/encoder/0/bitrate -1
/proc/stb/encoder/0/demux 0
/proc/stb/encoder/0/display_format 576p
/proc/stb/encoder/0/display_format_choices 480p 576p 720p
/proc/stb/encoder/0/framerate -1
/proc/stb/encoder/0/framerate_choices 23976 24000 25000 29970 30000 50000 59940 60000
/proc/stb/encoder/0/gop_frameb 0
/proc/stb/encoder/0/gop_frameb_choices # of B frames between reference I or P fr ames
/proc/stb/encoder/0/gop_framep 29
/proc/stb/encoder/0/gop_framep_choices # of P frames per GOP
/proc/stb/encoder/0/height 480
/proc/stb/encoder/0/interlaced 0
/proc/stb/encoder/0/level 3.1
/proc/stb/encoder/0/level_choices 1.0 2.0 2.1 2.2 3.0 3.1 3.2 4.0 4.1 4.2 5.0 lo w main high
/proc/stb/encoder/0/pcr_pid 0
/proc/stb/encoder/0/pmt_pid 0
/proc/stb/encoder/0/profile baseline
/proc/stb/encoder/0/profile_choices baseline simple main high advancedsimple
/proc/stb/encoder/0/refreshrate 30000
/proc/stb/encoder/0/video_codec h264
/proc/stb/encoder/0/video_codec_choices h264 mpeg2 mpeg4p2
/proc/stb/encoder/0/video_pid 0
/proc/stb/encoder/0/width 640

I have tried with the default settings and tried to change them and nothing. I have no idea why some channels work and some refuse to work, specially when we have cheap android boxes that can be used on every TV in the house and with a wired connection we could watch the channels from any TV.

My friend with his VU+ DUO (original) was very disappointed as his box cannot transcode and thus those channels never worked. If it could be fixed, both for normal streaming as well as transcoded streaming it would be wonderful.

Many thanks for all your support.


I have sent you a PM :)