View Full Version : [GiGaBlue QUAD] What temperature?

11-06-14, 10:31
Hi All

During last many months I have had problems with my Gigablue Quad, that crashed randomly without any useful information in the logs.
In this forum I read about other users that solved it by installing a fan, which I then also decided to try.

And I haven't seen a single crash now for last two months - after the fan was installed!

In my current release of the image - Apollo 003 - with the fan on I can see the temperature stays very stable around 60-63 degrees (depending on the temperature in our living room). If I turn of the fan, it goes over 70 degrees very fast, even in standby mode.
What temperature do you see in your Gigablue Quad? Please check and post it here. (Find it in menu -> information -> about)

Let me know if anyone wants to see how I connected the fan. Then I will post pictures.

And Thanks for the best image in the world to the OpenVix team !! Happy summertime everyone!

11-06-14, 10:37
Just do a how to guide with pics and we can make it a sticky in the guides section

11-06-14, 11:06
My Quad & UE+ usually hit 70+, hottest boxes I've ever used. None have crashed due to this though.

29-08-14, 21:48
Mines reaching 100 and rebooting while recording, 89C while watching live TV

29-08-14, 21:55
it's a shame that he did not post that (how to fit a Fan) I looked and could not find one even though I do not have a GBQ it would have been interesting to see how he did it :(

29-08-14, 22:10
I find it strange that the Quad owners all experience such high temperatures whereas my Quad+ never goes over 46C. Maybe the sensors are deliberately under-reading in the Quad+ hehe! As far as I know, the internals of both models are pretty much the same although I think the heat sink has been changed in the Quad+, but that alone wouldn't reduce core temps that much. My media player, which is based on an Asus AT5IONT-I motherboard is also a fanless design, but that used to reach temperatures of 85C on the decoder chip, so I eventually fitted a 120mm case fan running at slow speed which kept the temps around the mid 50's.

29-08-14, 22:16
You can try a laptop fan pad for your receiver to sit on, this may help with over heating issues. You can pick them up for about £5-£10 :-)

29-08-14, 22:16
I find it strange that the Quad owners all experience such high temperatures whereas my Quad+ never goes over 46C. Maybe the sensors are deliberately under-reading in the Quad+ hehe! As far as I know, the internals of both models are pretty much the same although I think the heat sink has been changed in the Quad+, but that alone wouldn't reduce core temps that much. My media player, which is based on an Asus AT5IONT-I motherboard is also a fanless design, but that used to reach temperatures of 85C on the decoder chip, so I eventually fitted a 120mm case fan running at slow speed which kept the temps around the mid 50's.

I now think it is a driver issue with the Quad, Sicilian even tested a Quad with a lazer thermometer and could not get any reading over the md 40's where it was being reported in the image into the high 80's

29-08-14, 22:25
I now think it is a driver issue with the Quad, Sicilian even tested a Quad with a lazer thermometer and could not get any reading over the md 40's where it was being reported in the image into the high 80's

See the post in this thread pheonix - http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?40139-recording-problem&p=308823&viewfull=1#post308823
Sounds like the temp is actually was too high as the box is going into a reboot.

30-08-14, 08:43
The same issue for me since Apollo 25...
I'm thinking to install a small heat sink with fan, but I don't know from where take the alim to not supplies power in standby mode...

Enviado desde mi iPhone con Tapatalk

30-08-14, 08:47
When mine is registering 97C, the case is only very slightly warm, even the warmest part would not concern anyone, so maybe a false temp reading is causing it to reboot?

30-08-14, 08:54
Ignore the Temps on the Original GB Quad, they are false. This reading is going to be removed from the drivers.

17-09-14, 14:48

17-09-14, 17:01
Are you blowing air in (I suspect the answer is yes) or sucking heat out?


17-09-14, 22:10
With fans blowing in, you tend to get the most dust build up right in front of the fan. You wouldn't want this happening on the heat sink of your CPU, as the dust acts like an insulating blanket. On the other hand, with fans blowing out, you get dust in the case near every possible way for air to get in.
I decided to blow it out. I did this installation 3 months ago, and I opened it today to take these pictures. No dust in it so far.

Note that this is a 12v fan - but I have placed it on the 6v power, since I found no reason to run the fan that fast. The 6v keeps it cool enough and the fan gives less noice.

25-09-14, 09:29
With fans blowing in, you tend to get the most dust build up right in front of the fan. You wouldn't want this happening on the heat sink of your CPU, as the dust acts like an insulating blanket. On the other hand, with fans blowing out, you get dust in the case near every possible way for air to get in.
I decided to blow it out. I did this installation 3 months ago, and I opened it today to take these pictures. No dust in it so far.

Note that this is a 12v fan - but I have placed it on the 6v power, since I found no reason to run the fan that fast. The 6v keeps it cool enough and the fan gives less noice.

So I assume that you have no HDD fitted in your Quad.

25-09-14, 21:57
Correct. I have a NAS and a external 2TB disk attached via USB.