View Full Version : [MB Premium Mini] OSD setup - resizing

10-06-14, 07:18
Hello. I recently set up a new Miraclebox Mini HD with Apollo 003 - everything has set up perfectly except I cannot resize the OSD (this is causing the bottom and right of the pages to be clipped). The width/height and move left/right/up/down numbers change, but nothing is happening to the skin. I have restored the image and did not have any settings to carry over.

Any ideas? :confused:


10-06-14, 07:19
Driver bug. Drivers already fixed, will be in next ViX build due soon.

While your waiting you could turn off Overscan on your TV ;)

10-06-14, 07:22
Brillaint, thanks for the quick reply. I did look for the overscan setting on the TV but couldn't find it - will take another look.

Thanks again :)

10-06-14, 07:24
Brillaint, thanks for the quick reply. I did look for the overscan setting on the TV but couldn't find it - will take another look.

Thanks again :)

Some TV's you just adjust the output, e.g. 4:3, 16:9, auto, full etc...