View Full Version : mounting a mac disk

17-11-10, 09:09
Hi - I have just set up my new vu+ duo - I have a windows PC and a Mac. both can see the Vu+ on the network and the Vu+ can see both the PC and the mac as they are supposed to.


I can mount the shared disk on the PC onto the vu+ but I cant mount the mac disk. It is shared - Is was working with my old mediagate and the PC can see the mac drive perfectly. Using network browser the mac can be seen but it wont expand and see the shared drive?

any suggestions? plugins I need?


18-11-10, 00:17
I had some initial issues similar to this, and didn't ever really get to the bottom of them. Somewhere along the way, the various sharing/unsharing, rebooting Mac, rebooting Vu+ got it going and it's not stumbled since.
I formed the impression that it was restarting the Vu+ that was the important factor once everything else was up and running.

18-11-10, 00:22
Actually, now I think about it - are you sure you've shared the Mac resource properly? It may be that the Vu+ is seeing the Mac as a server, but with no shared folders. Exactly what have you done to "share" the folder/disc?

18-11-10, 09:35
I have gone into preferences - sharing and allowed the folders to be shared and given read/write access to "everyone". I can see the mac disk from the PC but just not from the duo? I have rebooted the duo a few times but not he mac - i will try that too.

18-11-10, 11:14
OK - plan B.
From the Set up/System/Network/(another level down?) menu, access the Mount point manager and just fire ahead and enter the necessary information for your shared folder: IP address, CIFS, sharename, etc. See if you can connect that way.