View Full Version : [XP1000] stuck on bootlogo

08-06-14, 18:01
started with boot loader 750 mhz rebooted and loaded apollo 0.03 and went to download tsmedia but could not install as it said no space:confused:went to ftp enigma2 file mipsel as stored from pc and that did not load either.stuck on openvix logo.
reflashed again but no difference still stuck on logo.:confused:
only thing on box was scanned channels,setup abm and swap file

08-06-14, 21:44
downloaded a fresh image on other pc and it still wont load as the boot logo onscreen comes up before lights are ready on front:confused:

08-06-14, 21:45
I'd maybe try the bootloader again then re-image.

08-06-14, 22:32
ha ha you hit that nail perfectly:D now to try sending enigma2 file to box:sofahide::eek:

08-06-14, 23:18
downloaded a fresh ipk file and edited working again o wise one,do the epg setup later:D

08-06-14, 23:18
downloaded a fresh ipk file and edited working again o wise one,do the epg setup later:D

LMAO, you'll get there eventually.