View Full Version : Database of Common Telnet commands for Linux based STB's

16-11-10, 23:41
Hi guys here i am going to try a formulate a general Telnet command database for LInux boxes so that all commands are in one place.

Anybody can add a command here but please keep it to commands and not disscussions or command help requests

Please remember to also put in the commands use and a small description of some sort just so we know what that command is used for

If when navigating the forum you come accross a post with command posted then please paste it here as well with its common use

Thanks Guys...

16-11-10, 23:42
send tar.gz file to folder /tmp

log in via telnet to the box,

change with "cd /tmp to the folder and type (without "" and changing filename to actual filename)
"tar -xzvf filename.tar.gz -C /" and press enter

16-11-10, 23:45
FTP the .ipk file to /tmp

tenet into box,


ipkg install /tmp/*.ipk

this will install all and any .ipk files that reside in tmp folder

once the box is rebooted the .ipk file will be auto deleted

16-11-10, 23:52
Disclamer: this has been used by a few users without error but i recomend getting a backup of your image first just incase you get green screen after.

Thanks to pooface:

log into box via telnet


ipkg list

This will list all installed packages
Find the package name of the item you want to remove then


ipkg remove package (changing package to actual package name without the .ipk)

18-11-10, 01:43
Here is the command for doing Sceen Grabs/Dumps.

Thanks again to Pooface:

If you wish to do a screen grab without the image of the channel you are watching.
Usefull for when you want to only grap the current screen of a menu item

grab -o -p /tmp/grab.png [change grab to the file name you want it to be]

If you wish to do a screen grab with the image of the channel you are watching
Usefull for when you want to show a channel or an error in the channel/program

grab -d -p /tmp/grab.png [change grab to the file name you want it to be]

your png files will be sent to /tmp retreive via FTP

02-12-10, 23:09
Thanks to Speed007 and Andyblac

to update your image and plgins vis telnet

Telnet into box [password on box must be set]

For image update

'opkg update' without ' '

For Plugin Upgrade

'opkg upgrade' without ' '

15-12-10, 03:40
to look at the free space in memory that you have on your box it nice and simple

telent into box and type in free thats it

you will see something like this

total used free shared buffers
Mem: 141304 135064 6240 0 392
Swap: 98296 2712 95584
Total: 239600 137776 101824

19-12-10, 05:15
To look at the info and specs of your Box

Telnet into box and type

cat /proc/cpuinfo

all your Box Specs will be displayed

19-12-10, 10:54
Find Files

find . -name <name of file>

Example for looking for swapfile

root@bm750:/# find . -name swapfile

02-10-11, 15:23
To find the kernal version of yr LINUX Machine

Telnet into box and type

uname -r

02-10-11, 15:24
A safe way to shutdown LINUX Machines via Telnet

Telnet into box and type

shutdown -r now

not reboot, as its not considered safe

02-10-11, 23:17
Thanks to DIGIDUDE for original post

to find what prosses are running telnet in and Type


handy to check of things like cams or scripts are actually running in you are having problems

02-10-11, 23:22
Thanks to Alias1 for this

To get extended kernal version telnet in and type

cat /proc/version

02-10-11, 23:23
Thanks to Alias1 for this

To get all your mount information

Telnet in and type


02-10-11, 23:25
To find what USB Devices and what bus they are on

Telnet in and type


the result will be like this

Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 002 Device 003: ID dead:beef
Bus 002 Device 002: ID 1a40:0101 TERMINUS TECHNOLOGY INC.
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0951:1642 Kingston Technology
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 2040:7060 Hauppauge Nova-T Stick 2
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub

02-10-11, 23:26
To look at running processes in real time
[a bit like widows taskmanager]

Telnet in and type


25-10-12, 16:24
ok so it's been a while since this thread was updated so here goes.

init 3 = reboots enigma or wakes enigma from a sleeping state
init 4 = kills enigma or puts it to sleep, This is a important command for use when working with processes that are held in live memory such as bouquet files and EPG.dat files.
init 6 = performs a shutdown and reboot of the whole receiver not just enigma,
shutdown -r now = same as the init 6 command

Screen Grabs/Dumps
grab -o -p /tmp/grab.png [change grab to the file name you want it to be] shows OSD only.
grab -d -p /tmp/grab.png [change grab to the file name you want it to be] shows OSD with channel.

your png files will be sent to /tmp retreive via FTP

09-04-13, 17:03
To check for the latest (newest) Operating System errors and info.

tail /var/log/messages

To have a detailed view of all system memory available and used.

cat /proc/meminfo