View Full Version : bbci player + itv player

16-11-10, 23:39
bbci player + itv player

Is there a way to use these on my VU+

17-11-10, 00:03
no not at the moment it a case of plugin.

one has not been made by anyone or the channel providers for use on the box

maybe if you know pyton you could have a bash at it [i'm sure you will get lots of help with debugging it here]

altough apple trailer plugin is available

17-11-10, 00:09
lol I would not know where to start on building a plugin but would be willing to learn. The problem there is that people who can code tend not to teach.

17-11-10, 00:13
There is a iplayer app for xbmc that is programmed in python.


But I don't know how compatible the code is between xbmc and enigma2.

17-11-10, 00:15
lol I would not know where to start on building a plugin but would be willing to learn. The problem there is that people who can code tend not to teach.

i want to learn pyton but again dont know where to start but teaching here is not a prob. if you have simple python knollege then the guys here would be happy to fill in gaps. the difference here is having the time to teach it rather than not wanting to teach. do what i plan to do get a pyton and linux distro book and read up. get a bit of knollege then fill in the gaps by asking questions.

But trust me here we are all about distributing the knollege not keeping it to our selves

17-11-10, 00:16
There is a iplayer app for xbmc that is programmed in python.


But I don't know how compatible the code is between xbmc and enigma2.

i was thinking the same think but didn't want to mention it just incase its different as xbmc linux is power pc based

and its not an ipk package rather a folder that is placed in another folder named plugins

22-11-10, 10:26
There is a iplayer app for xbmc that is programmed in python.


But I don't know how compatible the code is between xbmc and enigma2.

There would be quite a bit to change I would imagine, as it would need at least a coding to get the plugin to show, never mind having to add coding to the skins. Plus, functions required in that code might not be available to e2...

Would be nice if someone was to start recoding it though... But I doubt it for a while

22-11-10, 21:46
a well know russe team have done a iptv player that work GREAT :p
see demonstration -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SlQaxvt5BYo

if a developer here is interessed for do it for english or european iptv player with logging, passwd etc...
check on link for the API :)
