View Full Version : Channel preview

16-11-10, 22:49
I will first thank Andyblanc for his superb image.

Then I will ask if there is a way to preview the channels in the right window when you scroll down in the Channel Selection. The only thing changing is the info for the channel you select.

It would be great to have this "channel preview" feature when you scroll. I dont know if it has been discussed in another thred. I use the default skin for Vix 1.2


16-11-10, 22:54
That is a skin issue not a image issue you need to use a PIG skin the HD Plus skin is PIG which is in vix 1.2 and im guessing will stay in 1.3

17-11-10, 08:31
I think you are reading him wrong, he wants the channel to change in the preview screen has he scrolls through the channels, at the moment it stays on the channel you are currently on.

17-11-10, 10:28
This would be a cool feature to have

19-11-10, 11:35
I remember this feature on the old DGS images on Ipbox 9000HD :). I don't believe this is part of Enigma though. I agree it would be cool to have.