View Full Version : [VU+ Duo2] backup restore not working on apollo003

04-06-14, 17:17
I did a backup from Vix menu in apollo 001.I flashed box with apollo 003 and wanted to do a restore settings.Not working.Box says restore not compatible with this image.
I have to restore my settings trough FTP.

Rob van der Does
04-06-14, 17:20
Not sure then. I've done dozens of restores from 001-backups on several boxes.

04-06-14, 17:25
restored from a zeus image and that is working.Just had to ftp the settings.Had a simular problem with the testore to apollo 1 from helios.

04-06-14, 18:25
I did the upgrade an hour ago and it restored my settings from apollo 1

04-06-14, 19:30
I have the same problem. Flashed from 001 to fresh 003 and got the same message that my backup settings from three days ago were not compatible!

A bit frustrating. Not knowing how or having any backup settings on my PC, I cannot update via FTP.

04-06-14, 23:15
Same here. None of the backups I made with Apollo 001 worked with 003. Not even when I tried to restore to Apollo 001 itself. It just said "Restore not compatible with this image". Luckily I had an older backup from Helios that I could restore.
Maybe Apollo 001 made corrupt backups?

04-06-14, 23:22
Maybe Apollo 001 made corrupt backups?

Doubtful, but without debug logs, impossible to tell.

06-06-14, 11:15
Yep, just walked into this issue.
Regardless of it works for some people, I think there should be a general warning that restores from 001 may not work.
Fortunately, I still have my Zeus backups....... I normally delete previous system backups when I upgrade.

Rob van der Does
06-06-14, 11:22
I normally delete previous system backups when I upgrade.
Well, that is exactly what you shouldn't do :confused:

06-06-14, 11:29
Well, that is exactly what you shouldn't do :confused: Well, I normally keep the last image backup so can restore last image

Rob van der Does
06-06-14, 11:31
IMHO it's good practise to keep a good number of back ups. That's the whole point of a back up. Why would you want to delete them?

06-06-14, 12:02
I still have Helios 1 and 16 :eek: just found a Zeus 15 as well :roflmao: better safe than sorry and they don't take up much space on a 1TB HHD :D

06-06-14, 18:09
to be honesst there alot of issues i mean no feed anyone experience that i can only see picons and seetings

06-06-14, 18:11
and lol restore it says in progress 16/100 im getting backjup manager Error: timeout elapsed, sorry

Rob van der Does
06-06-14, 18:12
to be honesst there alot of issues i mean no feed anyone experience that i can only see picons and seetings
Hmmm, not that we are aware of. And we do and did a lot of tests.

PS: Could you please use a spelling/grammar checker to make your postings a bit more readable please?