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28-05-14, 14:34
Public urged to pay respects at funeral of war hero who has almost nobody to attend

MEMBERS of the public are being urged to pay their final respects to a late war hero who has almost nobody to attend his funeral.

George Thompson fought bravely for his country in the Second World War - but has passed away at the age of 96 with no family members and few surviving friends.
Now the Royal Air Force Association has called on well-wishers to give Mr Thompson, of Sheffield, South Yorkshire, the send-off he deserves.
Andy Merris, standard bearer of the Rotherham RAFA, said: "It's about trying to get people there and to give the guy a send-off.
"We would love people to attend as a mark of respect and just to say, 'Thank you, God bless you'."
George William Thompson was born in Sheffield on September 19, 1917.
Both he and his wife, Mildred, worked at Laycock's Engineering Works, which made aircraft parts.

Mr Thompson was an inspector in the Aircraft Inspection Department.
His role was regarded as a reserved occupation so it took numerous attempts before he was eventually accepted into the RAF for pilot training at the age of 24.
He began his training on April 13, 1942, and just 17 days later he flew solo for the first time.
Mr Thompson and his fellow course members were earmarked to fly bombers and he was sent to Canada and the USA. While training with the American Army Air Corps it was discovered he had incredible night vision.
Speaking previously, Mr Thompson said: "We were supposed to be going onto bombers but, when it was recorded about my night-sight, I went onto night fighters.
"That most likely saved my life because thousands of bomber crew were killed."
Mr Thompson did have a number of close shaves himself, notably a dicey flight from Britain to Morocco.
Knowing they had limited fuel, Mr Thompson and his navigator Russell Spencer waited until there was a favourable tailwind before they took off. About halfway there, it looked like they weren't going to make it.

"We were given a new course to cut out some distance and we flew over Portugal and the bottom end of Spain with our cannons ready because there were German aircraft in the area," Mr Thompson had recalled.
"Luckily, we never saw a thing - it was lunchtime and I think they must have all gone to lunch.
"However still over the Atlantic, the gauges were showing empty. I saw the coast coming up and I flew straight towards the runway.
"As we taxied at the end of the runway, the control tower told us to follow a jeep and, just as I turned off the runway, both engines stopped. We had run out of fuel."
Mr Thompson and his squadron flew night interception and patrolled the skies above the Burmese jungle looking for any Japanese incursions until VJ Day in August, 1945.
He was finally demobbed from the RAF in May 1946 with the rank of Warrant Officer.
Mildred died in 2004. Mr Thompson spent his final years in a care home and died on May 14.
The funeral will take place on Friday, May 30, at Hutcliffe Wood Crematorium at 3.30pm.


28-05-14, 18:19
it is sad when our old War Heroes pass away we owe them so much but sadly most got so little back

28-05-14, 21:39
i hope he gets the respect's he deserves

R.I.P George, the country thanks you for your service :thumbsup: