View Full Version : VU+ player app

18-05-14, 11:35

I'm running Helios 17 on my Solo2 and simply cannot get VU+ player to connect when on an external network. At home everything is fine I have ports 80 and 8002 (transcode) open, and transcoding works fine with open webif and VLC player. Likewise at home the VU+ player app on android works fine. Externally, I have tested my DNS at home and again it works fine, but when I am on another network my app shows no connection.

Please can somebody help as this is driving me bonkers.

Tom D

18-05-14, 18:00
1st basic rule which must be met: I guess you already have set up a DynDNS-address so you can reach your home network easily when you're in remote? Or are you using a static IP? Anyway, just make sure that you know how to connect to your home network. Make also sure that portforwarding has been set up correctly.

The app works in this way: it tries to automatically detect if you are in LAN or in WAN (remote). in 98% of cases, this works but sometimes you may be hooked up to an external network which has assigned your Android-device with an IP-address that has the same ip-range as you are using in your LAN at home. In this case auto-detection won't work. However, if you go to main-screen, tap on Menu and then tap on Enforce Dynamic DNS, then your problem should be resolved.

Next version will permit you to set up a different profile if you so prefer.

Hope this helps.

18-05-14, 18:55
Thanks Tilleke

I have checked and I know my ports are open (used yougetsignal) and I know my DNS is okay because if I type it into my local browser it brings up open webif correctly. Have tried emforce dynamic DNS but still no connection?

18-05-14, 21:24
Try to open webif in remote from your Android-browser and let us know how it goes..

also make sure that you have filled in both loc. ip of STB and the dyndns in Vu+ Player settings

21-05-14, 20:22
Thanks Tilleke will do.

Local IP is fine (because it works on local network) and dyndns is okay because it too works locally. I will try my dyndns from another network straight from my android browser,
Tom D

23-05-14, 08:15
Okay - I have now checked this out further and have established that my VU+ player app works okay on my 3g mobile network - it is when I am connected by wifi on an external secured network that I have no connection. I can only assume because maybe port 8002 is not open on the external router?

23-05-14, 11:42
yep, it may be a firewall issue when you are on the external wifi network but at least you should be able to browse channels etc in the app and for which you need in your case port 80 and which normally is always opened. For port 8002, you need to verify. However, try to tap on Enforce Dynamic DNS as well because the external wifi network may have assigned your Android an ip address which uses the same ip-address range as your home LAN. If it does not work, then it is probably a firewall issue.