View Full Version : [VU+ Solo2] Disable New PIP channel selection

14-05-14, 16:47
the new PIP feature which the vix team has introduced is quite annoying as i don't use PIP so i don't like to hold the up or down button and then this PIP feature comes up, also this is affecting my channel surfing if i press the up or down button multiple times i get a X icon in the top left corner, how can i disable this new PIP feature? is this available in the settings

15-05-14, 07:56

One can not disable this Pip Zap

I cant reproduce you issue with X icon at all when pressing up.down multiple times

Rob van der Does
15-05-14, 08:19
.... so i don't like to hold the up or down button and then this PIP feature comes up....
So why 'hold' the button? Just a short (<1sec) push is doing what you want. And moreover: what you want is only done on releasing the button, so an extra reason not to hold it.

15-05-14, 14:15
yes but even when i'm pressing and releasing with a 1 second gap this happens, it will take a 3 seconds gap between press and release for this not to happen, i don't understand why can't this be disable i doubt that all or every used would want to use this features so i don't see why this is forced to be used, there should at least be an option for this to be disable for users who dont need or want this

Rob van der Does
15-05-14, 14:23
yes but even when i'm pressing and releasing with a 1 second gap this happens, it will take a 3 seconds gap between press and release for this not to happen, ...
Sorry, but now you lost me.

15-05-14, 18:15
The problem may be a bit difficult to explain and understand, overall can we get an option on the vix image to disable the PIP channel selection feature, as i believe this should be down to user preference if they want this or if they dont

15-05-14, 19:34
I think the op means the channel preview when zapping ie when you bring up the channel list using the up/down button. Personally I dont see what can be achieved by hiding it.

16-05-14, 08:40
I still dont get it

A short push of up or down simply opens the channellist..

Why you need to push longer and hold with a gap of 3 seconds to avoid Pip what you dont want??

16-05-14, 13:57
Confusing thread:eek:


Rob van der Does
16-05-14, 16:30
indeed; what confuses me is why someone would want to disable a functionality he doesn't even use :confused:

17-05-14, 07:34

perhasp you can describe exactly what buttons you use and in which screens..to reproduce the issue you described.

You are sure you mean up and down buttons or do you mean Ch+ and Ch-?