View Full Version : HELP: Is there a latest Ondemand build for VIX ?

09-05-14, 13:39
Hi Guys, I noted on another forum discussion of a new release of Ondemand where 4*D works. Is there an apk build for this available for vix please?

09-05-14, 13:46
The official OnDemand plugin is developed on this very forum and built by the ViX team our selves, you dont need a .ipk to install it, it's always available from our own image feeds.

09-05-14, 15:12
Thankyou for clarifying this Pheonix. Would you be kind enough to give me the opkg install line from a terminal console.

09-05-14, 16:05
opkg install enigma2-plugin-extensions-ondemand

11-05-14, 12:36
Hi Phoenix, installed great on my VU+solo2. Just one problem, not sure how to fix this. Say I am watching something on ITV player, I'll be watching for a few minutes all of a sudden the screen freezes and the program bums out? happening regularly. Is this a known bug or is it my box? Cheers

18-05-14, 12:58
Anyone? My ITV player consistantly bums out after minute of viewing. The other players seem okay?

abu baniaz
18-05-14, 13:08
where are you located?

19-05-14, 08:14
I'm in the Midlands area.

19-05-14, 09:03
Same for me :-(

All other players seem fine, but itv player just crashes back to menu after 2-3 minutes.

19-05-14, 15:15
Just as a test, I have this standalone itv player repository build knocking about. In this build it gives me an option to choose bit rate. i.e. 400,800,1200 kb/sec before the ondemand itv program starts. Ironically, If I select a slower bit rate option i.e. 400 or 800 the program will almost certainly bum out, however, if I chose the higher bit rate 1200kb/sec, the program appears stable. Could this problem be associated with the bit rate fixed into the ondemand itv player?