View Full Version : 3D Channel

08-05-14, 22:34
Been having problems were watching a film and just crashs or freezes
every other programs is fine the film or what ever is on just freezes

Got tec-nano with latest zues

any help appreiated

08-05-14, 23:11
crash = crashlog, please upload one here.

08-05-14, 23:13
Sorry my fault the 3d channel just stops - freezes the box does not turn off or reboot i just
turn over back to 3d channel it stay frozen every other channel is fine

08-05-14, 23:20
Which 3D channel is it? If Sky UK, as far as I know it's PPV for the evening movie.

08-05-14, 23:21
yeah it is it plays then freezes

08-05-14, 23:22
Am not allowed to mention how i get it due to rules
but it is sky uk channel,,,

08-05-14, 23:28
Am not allowed to mention how i get it due to rules

Well, in that case, you shouldn't be asking either. You're obviously aware of our site rules.
Anyway, think your question has been answered above.

08-05-14, 23:40
I agree thats why i never mentioned as i did now the rules theres alot on here now the rules but catseyes
does a copy of channels of sky thats ok in the rules one rule for one and another for every one else
but thanks for you answer much appreciated

08-05-14, 23:42
one rule for one and another for every one else

No idea where you get this from?

08-05-14, 23:48
It would appear that your written English is appalling so I would take from that that your reading isn't of the highest standard either.
Catseye publishes his lists to make our lives easier so that we don't have to keep rescanning when the channels are moved frequency. The fact remains that you still need a channel list with a fully legal and paid for subscription to the channels.

08-05-14, 23:49
The rules are clearly laid out and there are no exceptions for any one, those who do not agree with our rules are more than welcome to post else where.

Rob van der Does
09-05-14, 06:20
I agree thats why i never mentioned as i did now the rules theres alot on here now the rules but catseyes
does a copy of channels of sky thats ok in the rules one rule for one and another for every one else
No idea what you mean here. Of course services appear in pre-defined lists, as well as on doing a scan. That has nothing to do with a subscription you have or not have.

09-05-14, 07:58
I totally agree shouldnt talk about channels and how i get them i didnt mention how i get my channels
thats my buisness and its illegal to let people know how i watch tv and get channels,

09-05-14, 10:04
The reason it freezes is the fact that you dont actually have a legit sub no matter how hard you try to disguise it.

12-05-14, 13:43
Sorted the problem ps when people on here ask over CCcam what is that for as sky and other tv broadcasters dont use them you
pay a price they surply it so why are people allowed to chat about CCcams

12-05-14, 13:46
We have always allowed questions from users who want to use their legal sky uk subscription card with a softcam, we will not however tolerate or help users who want to obtain pay tv channels illegally. The rules make that clear from the off.

12-05-14, 13:52
I totally agree I was wrong to mention about people been allowed to chat about sharing

13-05-14, 07:49
The reason it freezes is the fact that you dont actually have a legit sub no matter how hard you try to disguise it.

really? i bet there are ppl on here without a legit sub that have no such issue.

Rob van der Does
13-05-14, 08:01
There's nothing to bet as we don't even look into any issue related to CS.
And 'thanks to' CS Sky-UK users are where they are now.

13-05-14, 08:11
Sorted the problem ps when people on here ask over CCcam what is that for as sky and other tv broadcasters dont use them you
pay a price they surply it so why are people allowed to chat about CCcams

This is the biggest reason for the new pairing system.