View Full Version : [VU+ Duo2] Media PLayer starting to play a never video not from the beginning (usually near end)

08-05-14, 12:21
Had this problem the first time with Helios 013, then updated to Helios 016 (flash + restore) finding that it's still there.
This is how it works.
I have several video files in /media/hdd/movies and open media player, and view one or more videos.
None of the videos was ever seen before.
After some videos played OK suddenly a video starts playing a few minutes from the end, and it's soon finished.
I exit the media player, reenter it and the next time the video is played correctly.
Apparent behavior: when a video is longer than the former, the former end time is assumed as the current beginning time, or something like that (not exactly sure, but that looks the pattern).
I didn't have this problem before 013.
I hope this follows the rules, it's my first attempt.