View Full Version : Picture in picture - jerky picture.

05-05-14, 20:45

When I activate my PIP the smaller of the two pictures is very jerky and some what delayed. It's like the picture only updates every 2 seconds.

Vix 3.0 image is installed.

Any ideas ?


05-05-14, 21:01
That's a hardware limitation of the slower/older VU boxes as far as I remember.
Also ViX 3.x builds are no longer supported.

05-05-14, 21:04
Thanks. Are you suggesting that upgrading to the latest Vix image could resolve the problem ?

05-05-14, 21:09
No, I doubt it.
But staying on such an old build wont help.

05-05-14, 21:45
Avoid HD channels when using PiP. The Duo just doesnt have the horsepower

Rob van der Does
05-05-14, 21:54
This has nothing to do with power, but with the number of videodecoders. The DUO/UNO/Ultimo have only one HD-decoder, so HD-channels in PiP will only show the whole picture (roughly once a second).
If the HD-channel has an SD-equivalent, you can use the PiP-Servicerelation plugin. When setup properly it will show the SD-channel in PiP when PiPping an HD-channel.

05-05-14, 23:16
Using an sd variant of the channel is still the same on my duo. It still freezes like the hd ones when using pip. I'm on Helios 16.

Rob van der Does
06-05-14, 09:42
Then there's something wrong in your setup.
What is a 'normal' SD service in PiP like?

06-05-14, 09:46
not sure what pip is but sd picture is fine

06-05-14, 09:47
PiP ServiceRelation must be configured. You must tell the plugin which SD channel corresponds to a certain HD channel. Without this configuration nothing has changed.


06-05-14, 09:50
how is this done as not to clued up about this

06-05-14, 12:28
Then there's something wrong in your setup.
What is a 'normal' SD service in PiP like?

What do you mean by 'normal'? A FTA channel?

Say if I'm watching sky sports 1 hd and I have sky comedy SD as the pip, it will still freeze and move every 2 seconds.

06-05-14, 12:30
PiP ServiceRelation must be configured. You must tell the plugin which SD channel corresponds to a certain HD channel. Without this configuration nothing has changed.

I'm not using a plugin, could that be the issue? I just hold down the arrow down key and choose my selected pip channel.

06-05-14, 14:13
the Duo has no hardware PiP. All is done in software. With a SD channel you get around 3-4 pictures per second and when you like HD in PiP window you get 1 picture every 2-3 seconds. Thats normal. With PiP ServiceRelation it might be possible to get als 3-4 fps for HD channel. This is the most you get with Duo.
