View Full Version : [VU+ Solo2] No issues on any build

05-05-14, 00:59
My problems started last december when I got my hands on a solo2 and flashed it with 793.......no issues, numerous upgrades later and still no issues (you can imagine my outrage). At last build 808 arrives and my epg starts playing up, I vent my fury on this site only to realize it was my own bloody fault (damn this image!!!). When I fear all hope is lost you release Zeus, I eagerly reflash hoping, waiting, wanting for the shit to hit the fan but alas, everything works perfectly, Helios follows, again no issues (WTF). Just letting you bastards know, all is not well with everyone using your VIX image, some of us are finding it very difficult to find fault and that pisses us off. The lack of positive comments on this forum is what prompted me to write this.

05-05-14, 01:06
Don't blame yourself for these irrational feelings, you just don't realise it's ALL PHEONIX FAULT yet...

05-05-14, 01:38
I'm just the voice for the forgotten, the majority of people for whom the images have worked flawlessly (inspite of Phoenix input).

Rob van der Does
05-05-14, 05:58
Don't worry: we're working on some serious issues to be implemented soon. Pheonix's dark forces are doing their work :thumbsup:
Stay in touch, soon more to follow :p