View Full Version : Plugin download problem

04-05-14, 09:07

When I try and download plugins from the Vu+ duo box I get the following error message.

'Sorry, feeds are down for maintenance'

Previously I've had no problems however, this message has been present for about 9 days which I would imagine is not maintenance.

I'm running Vix 3.0 with 808 build.

Any help would be appreciated.


04-05-14, 09:13
as you are still on vix 3.0 808, the feeds no longer work with this image and you need to upgrade to Zeus or Helios for the feeds to work.

04-05-14, 09:21
The plugin feeds for all older and no longer supported Images have been deleted, this includes all ViX 2.xx series images and OpenViX 3.0 series images.

04-05-14, 10:15

What image would you suggest ?

Where can I down load it ?

Is there another way of installing plugins to reduce the need to immediately updating image ?

04-05-14, 10:30
you could try the very latest image OpenViX Helios which can be downloaded from www.openvix.co.uk but you will need to setup from scratch as you can not use any settings backups, you can of course stick on ViX 3.0 if you wish and install plugins manually but if they require dependencies to be installed from the feeds as part of their installation they will fail.

04-05-14, 11:04

That was my next question, whats actually backed up when you back up!!

Whats the process for installing plugins manually?

Many thanks.

04-05-14, 11:07
Things that are backed up include, Plugins, channel lists, timers and auto timers as well as any personal configuration files for cams etc.

To manually install plugins, using a FTP client place the .IPK files into the /tmp/ folder on your receiver. Then using the remote control navigate to Blue button> ViX > Install local extension.

04-05-14, 13:09
To clarify if I upgrade to Helios from 3.0 these things would NOT restore from the 3.0 back up ? However, if I install and set up Helios then did a back up these things would then restore if I did another restore from back up ?? !!!!!!!!!!! (if that makes sense).

I wanted to install RATS auto picon updater however, this hasn't been possible due to the feeds not working. If I download the software on my PC will it be a .ipk file automatically which means I can then follow your process ?

Thanks again.

abu baniaz
04-05-14, 13:39
You can use a Zeus/Helios backup on a Helios image.

Rats picon updater is not on feeds, so you will have to manually install.

05-05-14, 22:32
Oh no --- just read this....... Shame that feeds are not being supported for the version 3 image.

Now I will have to install the new Helios image and lose the airplayer usage..... Ah well...... Shame......

05-05-14, 22:40
Oh no --- just read this....... Shame that feeds are not being supported for the version 3 image.

Now I will have to install the new Helios image and lose the airplayer usage..... Ah well...... Shame......

OpenAirPlay works perfectly fine here using Helios.

05-05-14, 22:43
Oh right great stuff...!!!! Thanks for the info..

It didnt work on Zeus when I tried that, but that sounds promising. Will stick the new image on tomorrow.