View Full Version : Bricked Box Any Way back?

03-05-14, 22:44

I tried to update my new solo 2 box to the latest vix image just now using the standard usb method.

The image flashed and the box started to boot but kept bouncing with the same error.

Inexperienced with flashing I thought ok maybe try another image, so i powered the box down and tried to restart it only now I get nothing out of the thing other than the power light illuminates. I fear I've made a fatal mistake and its now forever bricked?

Are there any alternatives recovery methods to reflash the box with a stable image such as via rs232 or otherwise?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



03-05-14, 22:48
The first error you made was to buy a clone receiver!

03-05-14, 22:51
No support for clone receivers will be given here.

03-05-14, 23:30
ah bugger... just brought the box today, have obviously been ripped off with a clone.

thanks for the heads up guys.

03-05-14, 23:39
Where did you buy the box? Did you expect it to be an original box?

03-05-14, 23:50
I brought it from a guy advertising on gumtree, that was likely mistake number 1, I guess I was not as aware of clones as I am now so yes I was expecting it to be original as clones did not enter my mind.

A hard and expensive lesson learnt I guess!

04-05-14, 00:00
Report the seller to your local trading standards.
How did you pay for the box, might be a way of getting your money back.
Also, can you link to the gumtree ad, could help others in avoiding that seller in future.

04-05-14, 00:08
Thanks for the advice.

My plan is to pursue the issue with him in the morning, the advert does not mention the item as a clone but I will give him a chance to offer some sort of explanation before reporting him.
Further researching the market this evening shows me that it should have been obvious that something wasn't right with the price only being £150 for any sort of twin tuner.

04-05-14, 00:14
It should also be obvious in the ad if he/she is selling you a cheap clone & illegal box as opposed to an original.
If it's not, report him. If it is, tough luck...
(still report them though)

04-05-14, 00:39
And if that doesn't work kneecap him :D

Only joking i don't condone violence :thumbsup:

04-05-14, 01:03
As he tried to screw you over by selling a clone as original I wouldn't tell him about you bricking the box.

04-05-14, 08:59
Gumtree allready know about these clowns ave reported them i got one skybox f5s clone reported them noting done
got email when sending messages about buying a 3d tv off gumtree telling me the advert was paypal fake advert
the adverts still there send money to the seller goodbye money gumtree is worse the ebay one big scam buy of world of sat

04-05-14, 09:18
as already suggested report him to trading standards, he has sold you a illegal counterfeit item and as such may have committed a criminal offense, so pursue it further.

Also worth the price of a phone call to report him to the police action fraud line.


They give links to other organisations who also deal with this kind of thing, most importantly DO NOT shrug it off as a lesson learned, if every one does that, these people will continue to con innocent customers out of their hard earned cash.

06-05-14, 15:52
I dont get the flood of clones on the market.

But I think the OP got harshly treated in the early replies, I think anyone who isnt aware of clones can quite easily be duped.

Luckily I was aware so was very careful where to buy from before ordering my box.

Rob van der Does
06-05-14, 16:06
I think anyone who isnt aware of clones can quite easily be duped.
I agree, especially with the clone prices being so high (to disguise the clone as genuine and to make more money).

06-05-14, 18:29
i bought my solo2 from a local reputable shop for £280 & iv confirmed its genuine :cool: - My next choice do i go for a duo 2 or another solo2 for my man cave :rolleyes::p

06-05-14, 19:05
The duo2 is an unbelievable piece of kit, if you can justify the cost then get it. I love having the big LCD screen on mine.