View Full Version : [TM-NANO-OE] Openvix 808 Download link

03-05-14, 13:27

Can someone provide me a link to download Openvix 808 for the TM Nano

Its not available in the archives - only zeus images are there


Rob van der Does
03-05-14, 13:34
It is indeed not available. We removed old, no longer maintained images and feeds.

03-05-14, 13:44
With zeus unstable, helios not yet ready and i need to reflash my box how do i go about it then?

03-05-14, 13:45
Not to worry - found a link

03-05-14, 13:48

Can someone provide me a link to download Openvix 808 for the TM Nano

Its not available in the archives - only zeus images are there


Maybe you will benefit next link ...


03-05-14, 13:52
Zeus unstable ?, First I have heard of it, Zeus works just as fine as ViX 3.0 although neither Zeus or ViX 3.0 are supported any longer.

03-05-14, 13:53
Maybe you will benefit next link .

Please don't post external links, we have no way of knowing what if any thing has been added to images posted elsewhere.

03-05-14, 14:08
Please don't post external links, we have no way of knowing what if any thing has been added to images posted elsewhere.

Well, next time will be added to code. ;)

03-05-14, 14:09
Some people do not want to keep upgrading their software if its working fine for them.
Why not maintain a copy of the last stable releases of your software for them to use.
zeus 23

They will be able to trust the software from your site and not need to worry if it has been modified as you suggest.

03-05-14, 14:15
Some people do not want to keep upgrading their software if its working fine for them.
Why not maintain a copy of the last stable releases of your software for them to use.
zeus 23

They will be able to trust the software from your site and not need to worry if it has been modified as you suggest.

we have neither the time, financial or physical resources to maintain multiple image revisions, we have always worked this way, when a image is superseded we stop all development on the older version. you are more than welcome to continue using those older images but we wont provide any support for them.

03-05-14, 14:19
We are not asking for support just a safe secure site to download them from. ( Archive )

Rob van der Does
03-05-14, 14:20
Some people do not want to keep upgrading their software if its working fine for them.
Why not maintain a copy of the last stable releases of your software for them to use.
Well, if they're happy with it and don't want to upgrade, there's no need for finding another copy, is there?

03-05-14, 14:43
Well, if they're happy with it and don't want to upgrade, there's no need for finding another copy, is there?

But life always want to be better, and if it does not go it will need to return to your starting point, if it is possible. :)

03-05-14, 15:17
if someone provides me the images I will gladly store them on my PC.Then if somebody needs them I can send them by private mail.

03-05-14, 15:23
There is no point providing images - people will then cry that the feeds are down.

03-05-14, 15:26
There is no point providing images - people will then cry that the feeds are down.

Which is one of the primary reason's why we decided to also remove the images from the OpenViX archive, no image older than Zeus has access to the Image feeds any longer, meaning that all plugins and dependencies must be installed manually.

Rob van der Does
03-05-14, 15:29
But life always want to be better, and if it does not go it will need to return to your starting point, if it is possible. :)
Yeah, that sure is possible; for that reason the image has a build in image-backup creator. Using that your previous syem is up and running in 5 minutes without any needing any externals.
Of course you should make a backup before experimenting.

03-05-14, 16:32
i have just checked my backups and i still have a Zeus 23 image, i think i should Delite it as it is not needed now :)

03-05-14, 16:41
Well, if they're happy with it and don't want to upgrade, there's no need for finding another copy, is there?

Of course there is

What if I buy another tm nano and want to put 808 on it?
What if my existing 808.zip gets deleted or corrupt?
What if my backup gets deleted or corrupt and want to do a fresh flash?

There are loads of reasons

03-05-14, 16:42
Zeus unstable ?, First I have heard of it, Zeus works just as fine as ViX 3.0 although neither Zeus or ViX 3.0 are supported any longer.
If there was no problem with Zeus why has it been replaced with Helios?

Rob van der Does
03-05-14, 16:53
If there was no problem with Zeus why has it been replaced with Helios?
To prevent getting us from having to answer this over and over again we have release notes: they tell you the story exactly.

03-05-14, 17:04
I swear it would be easier to have a tooth pulled than to get a straight answer here sometimes

03-05-14, 17:08
I cant post the link rite now but I will once I get home explaining why we phased out Zeus.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk

03-05-14, 17:20
Maybe it would be easyer to make a sticky for the old image 3.808 and send them to me .I would gladly send the images to everyone who wants them by PM.If I could get hold of the images.I have space enough on my HDD's here at home and I am online everyday.Naturarly there should be a notice !!!!!!!!!!!!!! that these are no longer supported and downloads are no longer working.
A lot off people want old images and no changes.I have the same here with many of my friends who will not update there receivers with new images.If help comes from many ways , many people are helped and happy.
But that is a question to answer for the moderators and developers off the images.

PS: most off them are older people who hate changes.My father is also 83 and will not update images on his sat receiver.He says : what is working fine needs no changes and I have no time to learn it all again.

Rob van der Does
03-05-14, 17:24
I swear it would be easier to have a tooth pulled than to get a straight answer here sometimes
I agree: pulling a tooth is easy these days. Remember what our ancestors had to bear :eek:

03-05-14, 18:43
I cant post the link rite now but I will once I get home explaining why we phased out Zeus.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk

One of around a dozen instances where I personally posted the reasons why Zeus was superseded by Helios so soon.


Helios is just as stable as Zeus or any other revisions of ViX has ever been, Releasing Helios was not about image stability it was about Image security.

Zeus was a full overhaul of the OE build environment, this took us or rather Andy almost 4 months to complete. Helios was again to do with the OE (Open Embedded) Core but this time more to fix the Heartbleed bug and a few other things which pretty much affected every part of the image.

We Took the decision to Release Helios as a new image as a full reflash was required after the recent OE merge, and rather than users just ignore our advice not to use the online update (which would break the image) we took that choice out of their hands.

05-05-14, 12:29
I remember when my Ultimo working with OI, very old image, and plugins support is provided by the feed.

It was convenient while tired! :D

Maybe you could stay only plugins support for the old images?

05-05-14, 12:33
I remember when my Ultimo working with OI, very old image, and plugins support is provided by the feed.

It was convenient while tired! :D

Maybe you could stay only plugins support for the old images?

I think you dont realize just what is involved in keeping the plugin feeds for each box, your talking individual feeds for about 30 plus receivers for which we simply cant dedicate time and effort to keeping updated, and in time more and more plugins will cease to function, plus there is the monetary cost involved.

It's just not practical for us to maintain such old feeds for these images, so they are gone and we will not restore them.

05-05-14, 14:51
i have a vix 808 solo image backup with CC, ondemand, airplayer & samba installed. Happy to send it to anyone who wants it

05-05-14, 15:16
Guys I know this may come across as a wee bit anal but there is no flaming image called ViX 808, the correct name is OpenViX 3.0-808. Like i said i know it makes no difference but it's just the kind of thing that grates on me LOL.

Rob van der Does
07-05-14, 12:57
With zeus unstable, helios not yet ready and i need to reflash my box how do i go about it then?
Helios for TM's has been released today.