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under the radar
03-05-14, 12:52
Yo to all, SatKiwi calling, we hope all is well with you.
As some of you may know we have been at war with Ir**to and there chief ****** Mark Mulready for over two years now, we are in court in Landesgericht Innsbruck Austria, courtroom 112 at 2pm 14:00 on the 20th of May 2014, if you wish to sit in on the case you are most welcome.
we know many of you have been threatened by Mulready not to discuss Ir**to, Foxt*l, or S*Y ( this is the tacktit he learn from his time working with Murdoch.)
We ask if you have copies of Threatening Intimidating Bulling correspondence sent to you or your severs by associates of Ir**to Mulready to inform us. ( we will not use any names ).
Anyone who can provide us any information on fabrication of evidence conducted by associates of Ir**to and Mulready would be massively helpful,
Mulready is also known for falsely Identifying himself as a Officer of the Law.
If you can help us please Email satkiwi@satkiwi.com or Message via Skype satkiwi.
All clients be aware we have had many attempted hackings of our systems, no client information has been given or taken, and will not be, all information is safe.
PS: Spys are among you, they will try to discredit us please don’t fall for their shit.
PPS: please copy to your forums.
Thanking you D M Curtis ( SatKiwi )