View Full Version : openPli webinterface problems, upside down etc ???

01-05-14, 20:54
I have just got the latest version of OpenPli installed on my genuine VU+Duo.

First time ever for me as I have always had VIX.

Anyway, straight to the point here, when I am trying to view my tv channels on my computer using the web interface thingy that you use via firefox too, well I always have anyway, the tv programmes are playing but the pictures are on their side or upside down etc and I have looked everywhere I can see so far in the webif options for an option to fix the picture round the correct way but I cant find the option, I presume there has to be an option, correct ??

Can someone please tell me how to fix this as its doing my head in now, thanks very much, cheers :)

01-05-14, 21:37
sorry, meant to say in the first post "I cant seen any options available to fix the view of the screen in the webif", I would have added that to the original post but for some reason there is no edit button, but anyway, you know now, that's the main thing :)

02-05-14, 02:49
doesnt matter, "I think" (not 100% sure yet) that I solved it myself by installing the latest version of VLC x64 and made sure that it was also updated too when I installed it and I think that may have done the trick although I havent had much chance to try it out, but I will keep an eye on it, thank you all for your help, lol