View Full Version : [XP1000] Octagon SF8HD with latest Zeus - Getting a blurry mini EPG

30-04-14, 18:58

As per title. When i click right on remote to bring up the mini epg, the epg text is blurry. Not unreadable but not sharp like the main epg.

Is there a fix for this. I have 720p tv and settings to match.


01-05-14, 08:00
currently known driver issue, out of image hands

01-05-14, 08:34
currently known driver issue, out of image hands

Interestingly enough mate, it has been like this for two weeks but last night i played around in the infobar epg menus and it has fixed itself, i have no idea why because nothing is really all that different :confused:

I'm happy anyway, just hope it stays thisb way now.

Thanks for your response mate.