View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] Can I flash another Duo with a copy of my Helios files, if they have the old VIX imag

30-04-14, 06:57
This might seem a silly question.

I have updated my Duo to Helios easy enough, but my parents also have one , but it is not connected to the net at all.
So I can't save save some of their old settings,
I was wondering if I placed my image back-up onto a flash drive ( in a folder called vuplus. as it was unzipped off my Duo) would that load onto their one as a normal reflash? they are on vix808 then they would have Helios on their machine?
if this could be done it would save a lot of hassle disconnecting and moving equipment to the other end of the house to be near a modem

many thanks

30-04-14, 07:03
Yes you can

30-04-14, 07:47
yes thats exactly what the Image manager is for, so you can create a full image backup which can be reflashed in the same way as any other image.

26-05-14, 02:28
Did this on the weekend, went well . just had to chnage LNB seeting and away she went, thanks very much