View Full Version : [VU+ Duo2] PCTV tripleStick (292e) DVB-T/T2/C Tuner

21-04-14, 10:15

I bought (from eBay) what I thought was a PCTV Nanostick 290e DVB-T/T2 tuner. I couldn't get my duo2 to detect it whatever I tried. After a couple of pointers in the duo2 section, I realised that I had actually been sold a PCTV triplestick 292e not a nanostick 290e. As of yet, there is no driver for the triplestick.

So, is there likely to be a driver for the triplestick any time soon? It seems like the nanostick is being phased out in favour of the triplestick, so there will probably be others with this problem in the near future. I could contact the guy I bought it from to see if he will exchange it for a nanostick, but if a driver is forthcoming I will just wait, as the triplestick has a slightly better spec.

Thanks very much.

21-04-14, 12:06
Not sure... Have you tried the em28xx drivers? According to this, support was added. But not sure if that's from the build Andy built?!


This gives more info about the stick:


First off though, try the em28xx drivers if you haven't already, and let us know...

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

21-04-14, 13:45

Yeah, I've tried the em28xx drivers, no go I'm afraid. I made a post in the duo2 section about this and I was advised to try the dib0700 drivers as well but they didn't work either.

If the em28xx drivers aren't going to be updated or new drivers added then I'll try to get the eBay seller to swap the triplestick for the nanostick (which he should do as the discription said nanostick). I'd rather keep the triplestick if possible though.

Thanks for your help

26-04-14, 09:37
Update. I got a refund for my triplestick and tried to buy a nanostick from a different place. They also sent me a triplestick instead. A couple of hours searching the web yesterday told me that the nanostick 290e isn't available to buy any more.

So, are there any other USB DVB-T2 tuner options, (that would work in a duo2 running Vix) does anyone know?

Ta very much

26-04-14, 09:43
Update. I got a refund for my triplestick and tried to buy a nanostick from a different place. They also sent me a triplestick instead. A couple of hours searching the web yesterday told me that the nanostick 290e isn't available to buy any more.

So, are there any other USB DVB-T2 tuner options, (that would work in a duo2 running Vix) does anyone know?

Ta very much
Sundtek, Berlin, Germany. Much more reliable in STB use than PCTV290e.

26-04-14, 10:59
Nice one, ordered a Sundtek MediaTV Pro.

Rob van der Does
26-04-14, 11:08
It seems that a few years back there has been a court case against Sky in Italy; the outcome was that using a Sky card in another box isn't illegal at all.
Sjy's counteraction on the other hand, making it virtually impossible to do so, seems to be rather illegal. But again: apparently the UK customers do accept these things :confused: