View Full Version : Dish has moved with wind help adjusting longitude setting

16-04-14, 19:19
Hi all the high winds have moved my dish about 4 degrees off, and I am looking for some help on setting the longitude up till I can get up a ladder to realign it.

So I am running VIX ZUES 023 and my lat used to be 4.0763 I have never lost 28.2e as it's still in the 90% snr range, but lost 26e

So I have changed my longitude setting in my tuner settings down to 000.000 W and still have 28.2 e in the 90%snr and have got 26e back on 46%snr but would like it a bit higher so how do I move my longitude settings a degree more, do I change from west to East and start at 000.000 and add 1 degree on to this or what.

Btw using usals

Sorry for the rambling on hope you understand what I am asking


16-04-14, 19:52
Use the positioner to find and store the satellites with the advanced tuner config until you manage to get a ladder and realign your dish.

Rob van der Does
16-04-14, 21:12
Zap to a service on a sat you want to adjust and go to 'positioner' to 'fine movements'. The do a step east or west and watch the SNR. Do a couple of steps in the direction in which SNR increases.
Now if you find that you have to move the dish to the west to improve SNR, change your latitude to the east a bit (or vice versa).

But: if you moved your own position by 4 degrees and had and still have a good signal on 28.2E I don't understand it.

16-04-14, 22:15
But: if you moved your own position by 4 degrees and had and still have a good signal on 28.2E I don't understand it.

I don't understand this either He must have 28.2E on a stored position and not realise it :confuse:

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16-04-14, 22:58
At the moment % snr
28.2 - BBC1hd -91
26 e - MBC2 - 51
39e - the voice - 69
19.2e - RTL television - 88
0.8w - 1 music channel - 63
5w - beIn sports ACTU - 74
Over the winter I have had to adjust my longitude after every batch of high winds from my longitude to keep receiving 26e from 4.0763 to 000.000 that it at now, so I am assuming the dish is still tight on the motor but the motor has turned on the pole.

If I adjust my longitude higher up to my original settings 26e gets weaker and then I lose it but as I go towards 000.000 w it gets stronger, so I was hoping if I could put in the next set of longitude to move the dish a bit more I could get 26e even stronger.

I keep using usuals and only adjust the longitude so nudging the dish round so I can keep the positions


16-04-14, 23:26
just a suggestion but you could right the positions down on paper , and then use the diesque 1.2 to nudge the dish east and west to store them with the ones you have wrote down until you get your dish realigned to the correct position , you should see the signal and strength peak and then store

Rob van der Does
17-04-14, 05:27
But: if you moved your own position by 4 degrees and had and still have a good signal on 28.2E I don't understand it.

I don't understand this either He must have 28.2E on a stored position and not realise it :confuse:
Same astonishment when using a stored position: if the dish has actually moved (turned) the stored position would also be moved.

Furthermore: I'm using two motorised dishes which I set up over 10 years ago. I never had to adjust them, while they both did have some storms.

17-04-14, 08:58
Same astonishment when using a stored position: if the dish has actually moved (turned) the stored position would also be moved

Hmmmm good point rob

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17-04-14, 10:29
I think he means he has changed the longitude settings on his receiver by 4 degrees.

17-04-14, 11:16
I think he means he has changed the longitude settings on his receiver by 4 degrees.
Thanks that's what I did sorry if that wasn't clear, I moved the settings and tricked the receiver into thinking I was at the new settings to receive the weak 26e and keep the stronger sats

17-04-14, 11:25
Is it only 26e that you're struggling to get a strong signal from?

Rob van der Does
17-04-14, 11:49
Thanks that's what I did sorry if that wasn't clear,...
Well, that actually was clear. But doesn't explain 28.2E to be and remain strong while 4 degrees moved.

17-04-14, 12:09
Well, that actually was clear. But doesn't explain 28.2E to be and remain strong while 4 degrees moved.

The dish hasn't moved 4 degrees, he has adjusted the usals settings by 4 degrees to compensate for the dish movement, which must be very slight as he's still getting a strong signal from 28.2.

The best thing to do is use the advanced tuner configuration and a mixture of usals and store positions until you can get the motor and dish realigned.

Rob van der Does
17-04-14, 12:29
The dish hasn't moved 4 degrees, he has adjusted the usals settings by 4 degrees to compensate for the dish movement, ...
That was very clear form the start

.. which must be very slight as he's still getting a strong signal from 28.2. .
And that's where it goes wrong: adjusting by 4 degrees will loose any satellite completely.

18-04-14, 11:22
Sorry don't know how to explain it then, on a new dish instal a year ago I set my dish up on 5w as my reference sat and everything work as it should got all the sats I wanted and 26 e was fine, over the winter after any high winds ( I get the wind blowing badly down across dish) I found that I would start to lose 26e, so after some searching I found I could adjust my longitude a bit and it would trick usuals and 26e would come back.

Now if I did a clean instal of VIX when an update was available I would input the new longitude settings with no back up and everything would work fine till the next high winds when I would nudge the dish round a bit more and 26e would bump up the snr again.

I should say that I am using a 1.1m dish &ultra lnb in case that makes a difference.

So all I am looking for is if I have gone down the range from 005.000w to 000.000w that I am at now what would be 1 degree further round 1e ?

Rob van der Does
18-04-14, 12:06
I should say that I am using a 1.1m dish &ultra lnb in case that makes a difference.
Yeah, I understand perfectly well what you're doing; I only don't understand that 28.2E remains so strong while moving your position so much.
Especially using a large dish as you do: it has a small opening angle, so should be even out of focus much faster.

So all I am looking for is if I have gone down the range from 005.000w to 000.000w that I am at now what would be 1 degree further round 1e ?
Well, set your position to 1E then.

18-04-14, 17:03
Yeah, I understand perfectly well what you're doing; I only don't understand that 28.2E remains so strong while moving your position so much.
Especially using a large dish as you do: it has a small opening angle, so should be even out of focus much faster.

Well, set your position to 1E then.

Sorry Rob I can't explain it either I thought that with a big dish it would hold the signal longer, but as you have explained I am wrong in that point, thanks for your time in this anyway

18-04-14, 18:46
Just to update moved the setting to 000.250E and 26e is peaked at 55 % snr, sorry don't know how to explain why this happens but it's working for me
