View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] Deep standby not shutting down

16-04-14, 16:13
When I try to put the box into deep standby, whether manually, or using the power timer settings, the message says 'your box is shutting down' however it sticks here and the solid red light comes on the front panel. You cannot start it up again with the remote and I have to turn it off and on from the back of the box.

There are no crash logs being generated.

16-04-14, 17:10
is your box a clone or original? what image you using and build you using?

16-04-14, 19:25
Original. And as per above its vix Zeus 020

16-04-14, 19:28
in that case you may want to consider zeus 023. i know each update has fixes for certain issues, or a reflash using 020, but personally i would go up and update to 023.

Rob van der Does
18-04-14, 07:08
This is not a known issue.
I would advise to flash the box, not using any restore, and see if the issue is still there. If it is, it looks like an hardware issue. If nit, you could restore settings (not plugins) and see how it goes. From then on add plugins one by one, and check the issue after every addition.