View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] Image freezes every when accessing network mount

15-04-14, 22:14

I keep all my movies on my computer and have a network mount setup on my VU+ Duo and VU+ Solo to stream them. I've noticed on both machines and multiple builds over the couple of years I've been using them that when I first try and access the mount (by changing the location via the yellow button), the system freezes and I get the ViX logo spinning in the corner. Only when I manually turn the box off then back on can I go back to the mount and open it successfully.

This happens every time I first attempt to access the mount. I initially thought this might be because the computer is asleep, so I tried turning the computer on and waking it up, then accessing it via the network mount, but got the same problem.

Is this a known issue, am I doing something wrong or is there something I can do differently to stop this happening?


15-04-14, 23:11
what mount type ? FSTAB or AUTOFS


16-04-14, 19:42
Thanks for the quick reply. I'm using FSTAB (only because a tutorial said to use that) and I'm using neither SAMBA nor the NFS plugin. I didn't know what either of them were, but after a quick Google search, I presume I should be using them?

Thanks for the help

18-04-14, 20:36
Anyone got an ideas?

18-04-14, 22:47
try Helios when it is released, you better of using AUTOFS, fstab does handel offline shares very well

18-04-14, 22:52
Thanks for your help. I'll give that a go

19-04-14, 02:40
I use autofs it works good