View Full Version : WiFi

11-04-14, 12:56
Quick :question just bought the Ferguson dongle is it just a case of plug and play ? Or is there a set up ? Thanks

11-04-14, 12:56
You need to install RT3070 drivers in plugin feeds then reboot.

11-04-14, 14:42
Thanks For quick reply ! Tried the WiFi bridge but wouldn't connect

11-04-14, 17:58
Sorry it is for the vu+duo is that ok ?

11-04-14, 18:53
when I have installed the driver is that it? just plug in and put in router password.? will I get the instructions with the dongle ? bought from world of sat.sorry for all the questions but bought the wifi bridge and couldn't get that to work.

abu baniaz
11-04-14, 19:49
Is this the item you bought?

If yes, have you installed teh drivers and rebooted?
Menu > Plugins > Green for download > Drivers >

You have to select network-usb-rt3070

You then configure it through the network setup screen.

11-04-14, 20:23
It is thanks :-)

12-04-14, 16:19
Tried the rt3070but it wouldn't connect? The number of the dongle wks rt3573.I couldn't find the plugin to download any ideas ?

04-06-14, 17:06
It would be very nice if you return back to the image Vu + Ultimo wifi dongle drivers! I've got a big distance between the router and the receiver, and constantly reflash-restore process requires a wireless wifi connection.

04-06-14, 17:08
It would be very nice if you return back to the image Vu + Ultimo wifi dongle drivers! I've got a big distance between the router and the receiver, and constantly reflash-restore process requires a wireless wifi connection.

The drivers for the original Vu+ wifi dongle are preloaded into the ViX Image by default, it was the thirdparty drivers that we removed from the base image and placed into the feeds for space and compatibility reasons.

10-06-14, 20:15
Could then maybe the drivers, WIFI specifically, be put on this site in the downloads section?
That way they can be downloaded and then by FTP in the plugin install directory.
Alternatively, what would be directory / files to add to the standard back-up?