View Full Version : Enhanced MovieList V1.0.0 modded by Coolman & Swiss-MAD

11-11-10, 10:43
Works on VIX 1.2


für OE 1.5 und OE 1.6

Da suomipoeka sein Plugin nicht mehr wartet, haben wir uns entschlossen eine neue Version zu erstellen.

Die Homepage von suomipoeka ---> koti.mbnet.fi/devnull/suomipoeka/enhancedml

Bitte vor dem installieren des neuen IPKG:

deinstalliert eine e.v. ältere Version des Plugin's, obwohl ein Update auch funktionieren müsste.
einfach deinstallieren per VTI Panel
ipkg remove enigma2-plugin-extensions-suomipoeka*
Nur so bleibt eure Paketverwaltung schön sauber.

Änderungen gegenüber der originalen Version Suomipoeka 0.9.6:

* Menüeintrag entfernt
* Update Deutsche Sprachdatei
* Deutsche Sprachdatei ist nun im IPKG beinhaltet.
* mkv Dateien werden jetzt auch angezeigt.
* Automatische Papierkorb leerung funktioniert wieder
* Neuer Menüpunkt im Setup: "Filmübersicht nach Filmende wieder öffnen"
* keymap erweitert. Mit EXIT kann nun auch ein Film beendet werden.
* Das Plugin ist nun voll Skinnbar, und hat für SD,XD,und HD einen eigenen Skin.

Einfach per FTP auf die Box ipk nach /tmp kopieren

installieren per VTI Panel --> ipk/tar.gz Installer

oder per telnet installieren:

ipkg install /tmp/*.ipk

Main Features
- Fast operation compared to the original E2 MovieList
- Full directory support
- More control over the movie files (move, delete, dir create, empty dir delete)
- Multiselection (pressing the video-button on a movie) for all available operations (delete, move and playlist)
- Files can be moved or renamed during playback / recording (Linux filesystem feature)
- Files can be deleted while being played (playback will be stopped or file is removed from playlist)
- Ongoing recording is shown in the movie list
- Recording can be stopped via the movie list
- Trashcan option (if you don't like it, put "days remain" to 0 and "trashcan hide"=yes)
- File operations done in the background (currently 3 shell execution unit instances, can be scaled up if required)
- Files being moved across mount points e.g. from internal HDD to an NFS/CIFS NAS share (or vice versa) do not block the GUI
Other features:
- Allows usage of different GUI and EPG languages without messing up the EPG
- Automatic cleanup of done-timers
- Automatic daily restarting of Enigma (prevents device crashing in heavy usage)
- Possibility to speedup the remote control key input

MovieList Controls
- Cursor keys: navigate list normally
- Info: standard Enigma EventView
- Menu: pops up the MovieSelectionMenu
- TV-button: reload current directory
- VIDEO-button: Select / deselect files for multiselection
- TEXT-button: Multi-selection *toggle* begin / end
- OK: play current movie selection / playlist
- RED: delete selected movies (permanently if "days to remain in trashcan"==0)
- GREEN: Alpha sort / date sort toggle
- YELLOW: Move currently selected movies (LocationBox opened if cursor not on top a directory)
- BLUE: Movie home / Play last (configurable)

Q: What is the "cifs* files operation" setting?
A: On Samba CIFS filesystem Linux creates "cifs"* (randomly numbered e.g. cifs7645) files when files that are being used by some process get deleted by some other process. For some reason these files are not deleted by the filesystem when the first process using the file finally releases it. I added this option when I was using recording over a Samba CIFS mount. This way I didn't have to worry about these grabage files left on the drive. If you're not using a CIFS mount you can ignore this setting as it will have no effect.

Q: What is the "cursor to newest" setting?
A: The "cursor to newest" settings simply move the cursor on top of the newest recording when the list is opened (from tv mode or playback mode). By setting on the reversed list order this effect will probably be more visible.