View Full Version : [TM-NANO-OE] no ac3 audio

04-04-14, 19:47
hello all, i have a tm-nano-oe on latest Zeus 0.18. i have a prolem with my audio the ac3 track on HD channels is so crackly you cant actually hear anything, i read another thread about ac3+ and changed my seting so it defaults to mpeg which works ok apart from on the channels which have MPEG(NAR) and no normal audio other than ac3 which dosent work and aslo some channels which are ac3 only.

Im not sure where the problem lies or just a workaround?


07-04-14, 14:40
I will try a full reflash hope that fixes it !

09-04-14, 15:23
Just in case anyone comes across this thread a full re-flash fixed it.
I think installing airplayer mucked things up. :wave: