View Full Version : [VU+ Solo2] streaming to pc problems

04-04-14, 12:39
Ok, so previously my box was working perfect.

Still appears to work perfect on the tv.

Now streaming is broken, I will try my best to describe what happens.

If I stream a different channel to what is on the box, and it is a premium channel (encrypted) the video will stop streaming and the audio will loop it will do this immedatly.

If I enable the zap before stream option, it will work, but if I then change the channel on the box whilst its streaming, the video will freeze on the stream and audio loop.

If I keep the channels matching it will work for a while but eventually the video will freeze and audio loop, maybe after 15 mins or so this happens.

I have tested both tuners on the tv they both appear fine. So I dont think this is tuner related.

It seemed to start after I updated my bouquet list using auto bouquet maker. I am not 100% sure that was the trigger, but the timing seems similiar.

any ideas?

04-04-14, 15:46
To add.

I Recorded one sky sports channel whilst watching another and it worked fine, so the box can decrypt 2 channels at once.

Rob van der Does
04-04-14, 15:51
This sounds like network issues. You're on WiFi?

04-04-14, 16:11
This is over gigabit lan.

04-04-14, 16:32
It seems its more accurate to state any encrypted channel if I try to stream without zap to channel and its different to the one on the box it refuses to even start playing.

04-04-14, 18:05
spent 4-5 hours on it, got nowhere, I guess return it for exchange?

or maybe now I have a reason for flashing new vix on it hmmm.

04-04-14, 18:26
spent 4-5 hours on it, got nowhere, I guess return it for exchange?

or maybe now I have a reason for flashing new vix on it hmmm.

Return it for exchange, why???
And without even trying a newer image?

04-04-14, 18:49
well a function not working right. why else?

would you happily use a product that wasnt working as it should? of course not.

I may try a new image but am worrying about bricking it.

05-04-14, 01:08
well a function not working right. why else?

would you happily use a product that wasnt working as it should? of course not.

I may try a new image but am worrying about bricking it.

Returning a box because you can't work out its functions is always going to be problematic.
It's pretty hard to brick any original VU box, so please do try other images & use the one that suits you.

Streaming/Transcoding will be down to drivers used.
If you can report issues advertised on the VU site that that don't work on official or other VU images, please do.

05-04-14, 09:00
Why cant you work it out then?

I think its a bit rude to say I cant work it out, and then proceed to not say what you think the problem is, is this a place of egos?

Streaming is simple, open webif, click the stream channel and should work, if I am wrong please say why.

eg. which drivers do you refer to, drivers on pc, drivers on box, and if on pc which ones.

How would drivers stop streams working when not zapped at same time but allow it to work when zapping at same time. If it was a pc driver issue streaming maybe wouldnt work at all, but a pc driver isnt going to care if its zapped or not.

Is this a community to help each other, or just to put others down and tell them to fix their own problems?

05-04-14, 09:16
Not putting you down at all. All I can say is that streaming & transcoding works here on current Zeus builds & Solo2.
Update the image, let us know the exact setup, including what you're trying to stream to? and you might get some useful help.

05-04-14, 10:27
ok I flashed the latest vix, the problem is fixed. :)

so something got glitched I guess.

This time I used the auto bouquet maker from the off so no manual channel lists used.

and yeah I see what you mean about flashing, its idiot proof.