View Full Version : [ViX_Misc] Question to powertimer ("autoshutdown-funcionality")

01-04-14, 08:14

I want to realize the following with my two boxes :

Both boxes are at 10.00 clock or 10.30 clock booted automatically by the plugin epgrefresh. After End of epgrefresh both boxes are to remain in standby mode. At evening from 22.00 they should shutdown automatically if they are in standby or switched to standby (shut down then with a delay of 1 minute). However, my ET5000 should only be shutdown if the Solo2 is no longer on or in standby mode.

So far (with VTI or Open PLi ) I had this always solved by using the plugin autoshutdown and there I was able to adjust everything accordingly and everything worked well (could set particular für example, that the shutdwon of the ET5000 should be delayed as long as my Solo2 is still reachable with it`s IP on the Network).

Unfortunately I do not find it on the feeds from ViX the plugin and when I install the plugin manually it does not work correct 100% (though this works automatic shut down , but if I let go up the box in the night for a recording, the recording works unfortunately not because the box is then always the same, shutdown again after the time set autoshutdown in the plugin) .

I 've read that using the in the build integrated powertimer practically everything could be solved accordingly.

But after trying something, I believe I that I can`t implement my requirements so described above at the beginning - or it is nevertheless possible?

If not, is there a (on ViX) working alternative for me ?

Thank you for your support.


01-04-14, 11:10
the current PM does take into account box need to stay awake as been used as a Server, PM me the plugin, and i'll take a look at adding this support into ViX PowerManager.

01-04-14, 13:03
Hello andyblac,

thank`for your answer and looking for a solution.

Sorry for silly question:

How I can upload a ".ipk" in "Private Message"?


01-04-14, 16:11
Hello andyblac,

thank`for your answer and looking for a solution.

Sorry for silly question:

How I can upload a ".ipk" in "Private Message"?


easiest way is upload somewhere in the cloud and send me download link.

01-04-14, 16:25
Done - I hope it works ...


02-04-14, 08:56
Hello andyblac,

I really do not want to annoy you, but only two small requests:

1) Is the link to autoshutdown.ipk arrived without error?

2) If that should really just work with the IP query, may it be possible additional to integrate the following function from autoshutdown plugin: "after time XX.XX (for example 22.00 clock) turn in Deep Standby after xx minutes, if the box is in standby mode"?

I think, this is also just not possible with the build in PowerMangement (there I found no way for set a "from time" - or did I just overlook this?).


Perhaps it would be the most easier way to adjust the auto shutdown plugin for Open ViX so that it runs correctly here? Possibly you know the author ("plnick" Admin in the "vuplus-support Forum")?

02-04-14, 14:59
there is already an AutoShutdown mode for when only in standby. but it does not check ip's

yes got the ipk, leave it with me, i'll look as soon as i can. but i do have other things i need to do first. hope you undersand.

02-04-14, 15:04
Yes, sure I understand.

Thank`s again, that you will take a look if you have some time. :thumbsup:

there is already an AutoShutdown mode for when only in standby.

Yes thats true, but is it really possible to determine with the existing powertimer a period of time within the box does not go automatically from standby in deepstandby although automatic shutdown is set after for example 5 minutes in standby?

I mean the following configuration options in the menu of autoshutdown:

- Disable the shutdown for a time interval

- Begin of time interval (hh: mm)

- End of time interval (hh: mm)


02-04-14, 16:35
Yes, sure I understand.

Thank`s again, that you will take a look if you have some time. :thumbsup:

Yes thats true, but is it really possible to determine with the existing powertimer a period of time within the box does not go automatically from standby in deepstandby although automatic shutdown is set after for example 5 minutes in standby?

I mean the following configuration options in the menu of autoshutdown:

- Disable the shutdown for a time interval

- Begin of time interval (hh: mm)

- End of time interval (hh: mm)


ah i get you now, i'll take a look at that too.

23-04-14, 09:51

after the big change from "Zeus" to "Helios" has taken place, I wanted to remind to this theme :):

Is there a real hope that the build-in powertimermanagement will be extended with the two functions described above ([1] disable shutdown for a time interval and [2] ip-check before shutdown)?


23-04-14, 17:17
powertimer coding is still on my todo list, :)

23-04-14, 20:37

22-05-14, 10:11
Push ... ;)

Is there any reason to hope that this now will be implented in the new Image (Apollo)?


02-06-14, 14:03
For me, Apollo works fine and without any problems.

Thank`s a lot for your (Team Open ViX) work! :thumbsup:

If now the "powertimer" would be expanded with the "autoshutdown-funcionality", this would be really great ...


I realize that after the switch to apollo now perhaps other things are more important - but I want just make sure, that this thread is not forgotten ;)

19-06-14, 13:09
Push ... ;)

Any hope, that this will be integrated soon?

15-07-14, 12:11
Push ...

The hope dies at last ... :D

04-08-14, 14:09
powertimer coding is still on my todo list, :)

Still on the todo list, or dead in the meantime?


05-08-14, 16:08
Still on the todo list, or dead in the meantime?


Andy is taking a well earned rest. so it is unlikely this will be done any time soon if at all. In the mean time enjoy what you currently have.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

06-08-14, 07:49
His earned break was really happy for him - I hope he can recover well. :)

Nevertheless, it would be nice if after the two mentioned supplements could be included in the PM. This would make the (already good) Image from my point of view even a little better and more comfortable. ;)

Well, let's see if this is possible then still someday be integrated after the recovery phase in the Image ...


07-10-14, 08:30
push ... :)

Is there a real hope that the build-in powertimermanagement will be extended with the two functions described above ([1] disable shutdown for a time interval and [2] ip-check before shutdown)?

powertimer coding is still on my todo list, :)

For me, Apollo works fine and without any problems.

Thank`s a lot for your (Team Open ViX) work! :thumbsup:

If now the "powertimer" would be expanded with the "autoshutdown-functionality", this would be really great ...


Rob van der Does
07-10-14, 14:18
Don't worry: it is still on the (endless) list :D

07-10-14, 14:45
Thanks for info - then I hold my hope still alive ... :D

Rob van der Does
07-10-14, 15:05
Please try what the attached version does for you.
Unzip to /usr/lib/enigma2/python: 37552
Unzip to /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components: 37553
and restart Enigma.

This version checks if a remote box is using the box tuner or HDD. It only works for the deep-auto in standby Powertimer.

I realize that this isn't exactly what you asked, but this seems to be applying to 'normal' situations.

07-10-14, 21:41
You got the source code of Powertimer, Rob? I found a bug in it, where it moves the start time if the box is active when it initiates. I thought I might have a look. :)

Rob van der Does
07-10-14, 21:43
Here you go:

07-10-14, 23:31
Those are the object code versions. Was looking for source code :)

Rob van der Does
08-10-14, 06:59
Euuuhhhh? What do you mean?

Edit: sorry: I uploaded the wrong set

08-10-14, 07:08
Can't you just grab it from the github source?
I assume it's this one: https://github.com/OpenViX

Rob van der Does
08-10-14, 07:37
Nope, as these are test-files that haven't been committed yet.

08-10-14, 07:53
Please try what the attached version does for you.
Unzip to /usr/lib/enigma2/python: 37552
Unzip to /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components: 37553
and restart Enigma.

This version checks if a remote box is using the box tuner or HDD. It only works for the deep-auto in standby Powertimer.

I realize that this isn't exactly what you asked, but this seems to be applying to 'normal' situations.

Thank`s I will test this version as soon as possible (however, may be that I get to test until next weekend) ...


08-10-14, 10:40
Is there any documentation on how Power Timers are meant to work when the box is "in use".

I've had on-screen prompts about a timer wanting to put the box into standby when viewing a recording, which doesn't make sense - I'm playing back a recording so why would I want it to go into standby?

08-10-14, 12:50
I have a strange problem on a Wednesday only when if the box wakes up to record emmerdale at the end power timer returns the box to deep standby whilst coronation street is recording, it doesn't do it on a Monday or Friday?

08-10-14, 13:05
Euuuhhhh? What do you mean?

Edit: sorry: I uploaded the wrong set

Rob, I had a problem last weekend where my power timer "wake up to standby", activated at 06:00 with a shutdown to deep standby of 06:07 ( this is when I run ABM and CrossEPG each day) correctly "backed off" because I had a recording of the Formula 1 in progress, but then set a new wakeup time when the recording finished instead of using the original. On Saturday 4th it advanced the wakeup time to 07:41 next day. On Sunday 5th it advanced the wakeup time to 09:46 next day. I had to correct the wakeup time manually. See the attached screen grabs.

Also - there is a typo on online 104
retry in %d minuets should read
retry in %d minutes

Rob van der Does
08-10-14, 17:05
Is there any documentation on how Power Timers are meant to work when the box is "in use".

I've had on-screen prompts about a timer wanting to put the box into standby when viewing a recording, which doesn't make sense - I'm playing back a recording so why would I want it to go into standby?

As I said above: "This version checks if a remote box is using the box tuner or HDD. It only works for the deep-auto in standby Powertimer."
"in use' by an other box is done by checking if the tuner is being used.

08-10-14, 17:32
Please try what the attached version does for you.
Unzip to /usr/lib/enigma2/python: 37552
Unzip to /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components: 37553
and restart Enigma.

This version checks if a remote box is using the box tuner or HDD. It only works for the deep-auto in standby Powertimer.

I realize that this isn't exactly what you asked, but this seems to be applying to 'normal' situations.

Rob, I tried that powertimer (autodeepstandby) but it failed on my Quad Plus. Here's a clipping of the crashlog:

action -> GlobalActions power_down
action -> GlobalActions power_up
enter standby
[eDVBCAService] free slot 0 demux 0 for service 1:0:19:1B1C:802:2:11A0000:0:0:0:
[eDVBCAService] free service 1:0:19:1B1C:802:2:11A0000:0:0:0:
decoder state: play, vpid=-1, apid=-1
DEMUX_STOP - pcr - ok
DEMUX_STOP - video - ok
DEMUX_STOP - audio - ok
DEMUX_STOP - ttx - ok
start release channel timer
setLCDBrightness 25
[LED-GIGA] In Standby
[DVBCAHandler] no more services
release cached channel (timer timeout)
[eDVBLocalTimerHandler] remove channel 0x1f316a8
[eEPGCache] remove channel 0x1f316a8
[EPGC] abort caching events !!
stop release channel timer
close frontend 0
[SoftcamManager] CCcam.2.3.0 already running
[SoftcamManager] Telnet info not allowed, can not check if frozen
job Components.Task.Job name=SoftcamCheck #tasks=1 completed with [] in None
[SoftcamManager] CCcam.2.3.0 already running
[SoftcamManager] Telnet info not allowed, can not check if frozen
job Components.Task.Job name=SoftcamCheck #tasks=1 completed with [] in None
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/timer.py", line 226, in calcNextActivation
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/timer.py", line 296, in processActivation
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/PowerTimer.py", line 387, in doActivate
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/PowerTimer.py", line 163, in activate
AttributeError: 'PowerTimerEntry' object has no attribute 'session'
(PyObject_CallObject(<bound method PowerTimer.calcNextActivation of <PowerTimer.PowerTimer instance at 0x1db8fd0>>,()) failed)

08-10-14, 20:01
I have a strange problem on a Wednesday only when if the box wakes up to record emmerdale at the end power timer returns the box to deep standby whilst coronation street is recording, it doesn't do it on a Monday or Friday?Probably irrelevant, but it does remind me that 30 years ago I had a programming problem (turned out to be an OS bug) because Wednesday is the longest day of the week - in English (in German it's Thursday)

08-10-14, 20:05
I have a strange problem on a Wednesday only when if the box wakes up to record emmerdale at the end power timer returns the box to deep standby whilst coronation street is recording, it doesn't do it on a Monday or Friday?

Can you post a screenshot of your AutoTimers screen?

13-10-14, 09:52
Please try what the attached version does for you.
Unzip to /usr/lib/enigma2/python: 37552
Unzip to /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components: 37553
and restart Enigma.

This version checks if a remote box is using the box tuner or HDD. It only works for the deep-auto in standby Powertimer.

I realize that this isn't exactly what you asked, but this seems to be applying to 'normal' situations.


at weekend I have viewed on my "main box" a recording of the hdd connected to my "second box" and the "second box" was actually shut down after stopping the viewing. Seems to be working so far. :)

However, for me the implemantation of an optional selectable "time window" as well as an "IP check" would be a slightly better and more comfortable solution. Then it could for example be ensured, that the hdd connected to the "second box" would be always available for playing recordings on "main box" (and not only prevent the shutdown from "second box" when just start looking a recording on "main box"). ;)

Nevertheless, once again thank you for your efforts.

Maybe the points I have mentioned are inbuild in powertimer-management sometime later.


16-12-14, 09:56

just another try to request - could perhaps be a kind of "Christmas gift" ... ;)


11-06-15, 15:08

please don`t kill me, but I'm coming back again to my very old request ;):

OpenATV has now recently integrated at least a part of the functionality (possibility of entering a period in which the autostandby after standby will be ignored) in "powertimer" (see attached sreenshot - please do not be surprised: screenshot is OpenATV, only skin is Magic-HD-Night from OpenVix).

See for details of changes:

Perhaps it is possible, to take over this change/extension in OpenVix Hades?


Of course it would be still perfect, if additionally the option of the query of a intern IP could be integrated too ... :)

11-06-15, 16:23
yup they changed timers abit recently, but we havent merged those changes.

12-06-15, 06:38
Any reason, why not merge this changes?

27-08-15, 08:25

first of all: Many thanks for the new OpenViX 3.2. :thumbsup:

But still my question:

Any reason, why the changes from openatv (now already some time ago) are not merged in Open ViX?


please don`t kill me, but I'm coming back again to my very old request ;):

OpenATV has now recently integrated at least a part of the functionality (possibility of entering a period in which the autostandby after standby will be ignored) in "powertimer" (see attached sreenshot - please do not be surprised: screenshot is OpenATV, only skin is Magic-HD-Night from OpenVix).

See for details of changes:

Perhaps it is possible, to take over this change/extension in OpenVix Hades?


Of course it would be still perfect, if additionally the option of the query of a intern IP could be integrated too ... :)


Rob van der Does
29-08-15, 06:38
ATV has diverted quite a lot in this respect, so it is virtually impossible to cherrypick their commits.
But if any capable coder is out there, he can make patches and/or pull requests. After all we're an Open Source image :)

Rob van der Does
03-09-15, 07:08
We looked into this, and the situation is even worse:
1- The code in the ATV-powertimer has really been messed up. No way we're going to accept that.
2- The commits ATV made are impossible to follow. They committed a pile of changes per commit so git-history has become worthless.

But again: we invite any capable coder to have a fresh look at the feature request itself (without even looking at the TV code).

03-09-15, 07:58
Thank`s for looked into this.

I would really like to involve myself in the search / work for a solution, but I'm afraid that I have simply too little knowledge of the matter. Maybe I'll try it anyway but once ...

In any case, once again thank you, you have at least took a look at this feature.
