View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] Recording ended but show didnt

29-03-14, 13:07
Need some help folks, was recording the F1 Quali today, which ran over its time slot as usual. I started to watch the the recorded but but it ended before the show should of by about 50mins.

Is this normal or would something be up on my box

Thanks all

31-03-14, 09:58
Need more details really to be able to help. If it was a timed recording then at the specified end time the recording would stop which as far as I know is normal. If the recording ended before the end time then it could point to either running out of space on your HDD/USB or your HDD/USB being formatted in FAT32.

31-03-14, 10:10
I think it was normal as the qualifying was a lot longer then it was in the EPG due to rain. One possibility would be VPS but only a few, mostly german public, channels are supported.
