View Full Version : [VU+ Solo2] How to mount synology server

28-03-14, 19:03
Hi all,
I have finally decided to install Zeus and have pretty much got everything up and running as before, except I cannot seem to mount my server.
I have forgotten how I did this on the older build and what settings I used. I have messed around for hours now, and although my server is showing when I browse my network , I cannot seem to get it green and working.
I have a HDD installed and working already for timeshift and recordings but just cant seem to get my server connected and working.
Please can somebody help me through the set up process.

28-03-14, 21:34

Might be totally wrong, but have you installed Samba? It's in Menu/Setup/System/Network.


28-03-14, 21:50
Yeh just installed it but still the same. Don't remember installing it last time tbh and it worked fine then. I am unsure what setting in the mount menu to put in to get it to use my media file on the synology server.

28-03-14, 21:56
have you tried my thread for a dlink nas320 --- maybe helpful


28-03-14, 23:47
Entered my solo password but its saying the directory doesn't exist?

29-03-14, 01:31
I have a dj 212 working with nfs and works well most of the time. Just home and about to jump in the shower. I'll post how I set mine up when I'm fed n washed. :-)

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk

29-03-14, 02:50
This is how I do my Synology


29-03-14, 11:35
Finally worked it out. When I reflashed to veus my box was assigned a new ip address so had to go into synology and change it to the new one. It's just one long never ending learning process ha. Now onto sorting remote access and transcoding.
Thanks for the help.