View Full Version : Fan-less dual tuner HD receiver / PVR with official VIX support?

27-03-14, 20:36
Is there such a thing? I thought I'd found a solution in the Xtrend 9000 but nowhere seems to stock it or the Clarke version any more?

Are there any alternatives?



27-03-14, 22:39
Actually I think I mean TWIN rather than DUAL tuners... If twin = record one thing whilst watching another? :-)

27-03-14, 22:48
most twin tuner receivers really do need a fan to disperse the heat they and the CPU, HDD generate. i would feel very uneasy without a fan in any thing but a low powered single tuner receiver.

29-03-14, 21:09
I dont think my ET 9000 has a fan in? It does not make any noise......

Rob van der Does
29-03-14, 21:15
I dont think my ET 9000 has a fan in? It does not make any noise......
Correct .

29-03-14, 21:30
I think we'll head down the Xtrend route (thanks) - does anyone know if the 9000 can be found for sale anywhere (new or second hand) - I can only find the newer 9200.

Thanks again.


Rob van der Does
29-03-14, 21:34
ET9200 doesn't have a fan either.

29-03-14, 21:37
Great, thanks for the confirmation. So far I've found a dealer in Germany selling the 9200 @ 229 Euro (no HDD) - anyone know of a UK reseller?

31-03-14, 13:08
I'm also now told that most of the GigaBlue boxes don't have fans either - in twin, triple and even QUAD tuner config!

And thinking about it the standard Amstrad Sky+ HD boxes manage dual tuners and internal HDD with no fan. Albeit far less powerful / cooler than many of the E2 units on the market I guess.


31-03-14, 13:16
The new GB 800 plus versions are fanless and you can add a 2nd tuner.
What is wrong with a box with a fan? they don't make any noticeable noise, most are only running when the box is on and with the sound from your TV/AMP you won't hear it at all :thumbsup:

31-03-14, 13:18
there is a second hand (almost new) on Amazon.co.uk for 209 pounds plus 6.12 UK delivery.
I have had a 9200 for at least 2 years now .... good box.

31-03-14, 13:35
The new GB 800 plus versions are fanless and you can add a 2nd tuner.
What is wrong with a box with a fan? they don't make any noticeable noise, most are only running when the box is on and with the sound from your TV/AMP you won't hear it at all :thumbsup:

I can hear the fan. Even with the TV on! ;-) Albeit no amp in use.

Well, certainly on my (genuine) Dup and a Solo 2 I briefly borrowed at least. In an ideal wold my ultra-picky-hearing would have no fan on the box and write all recordings & timeshift to the NAS that's in a different room. Either that or SSD in the box...now there's a thought....

31-03-14, 13:41
Aaaarrgh - I wish I'd never found out that the GBlue boxes are fan-less. Now I find myself wanting an 800 Quad...just in case I fancy that third or fourth tuner one day.

Sigh.... LOL! :p

31-03-14, 14:12
You can alter the fan speed ;)
I have a DUOČ and TM-SINGLE with fans in, I really cannot hear them :) same with the original DUO I used to have.

Rob van der Does
31-03-14, 21:49
The fan in the DUO always runs at full speed and is quite noisy.