View Full Version : Got my solo2...but nothing

26-03-14, 18:02
Hi guys

i got my solo2 and followed the Vix new setup guide tutorial but i get absolutey nothing with regard to channels..i must be doing something wrong here surely?

I have plugged in my old sky+feeds into Sat feed 1 and 2. Can see they are locked on 28.2E Astra with excellent signal. if i do an automatic scan it only lets me scan Tuner A? is this correct? It scans OK and find the 900 odd channels after about 10 minutes.

if i go into the more detailed view of the tuner where i see both and do a scan from there it says it only find 17 channels on each tuner.

Not sure what im doing wrong to be honest having followed the setup guide. I have also seelcted the freesat option the EPG and scanned that but still nothing.

Any tips tricks or guidance in why im failing miserably would be great - thanks.

26-03-14, 18:05
Have a read of the ABM setup guide from here.


26-03-14, 19:51
Thanks. I'm getting a feed now which is a start. Is there anyway of skipping between the tuners A and B and freesat? Also when I click the TV button on the control which brings up the tv categories there appears to be some duplication of the categories - us this normal?
Would like to show the channel numbers on the EPG if possible too I.e 101,102 etc

26-03-14, 19:58
There is no way to select a different tuner at will, E2 simply selects the first free tuner available. you will tend to see duplicates in the all channels list as these are the region specific channels such as CH4, ITV1 and the BBC channels. it's not unusual.

26-03-14, 20:14
Thanks Phoenix

Another question- when clicking the down arrow it takes me a list of channels. Two things...all the channel numbers start with 4 so 4101 and so on. When I click providers bkyb is on there twice also? One folder has tons of channels whilst the other will have 4 random channels.

27-03-14, 02:20
Dont think you have done the bouquets properly mate try downloading them again and it should be sorted also untick FTA channels if its ticked... I have got bouquets & EPG downloaded automatically everyday AT 6am i read somewhere sly update their epg at 5am or so everyday so try that too

27-03-14, 20:13
Thanks I downloaded the cross EPG again and it's put them right now. Also got rid of freesat as a provider as I don't think that was actually doing a single thing.
The folders are still there however as are 3346733468
Does thus look right to everyone?