View Full Version : [XP1000] infobar epg blurry?

24-03-14, 16:10
hi as title says when i press right arrow key to get infobar epg up it is blrry has been since switching to zeus build 002 upward now on latest 009 and still the same?
is it just me at all?
and i have`nt adjusted any settings at all neither.
any help appreciated.

Rob van der Does
24-03-14, 18:02
Can you post a screenshot please?

24-03-14, 18:53
Its a frame buffer driver issue. Only happens with quickepg.

24-03-14, 20:44
hi this is picture probaly does`nt show it so much but it is there?

25-03-14, 17:23
when i say blurry i mean the writing and description on the infobar not the picture itself?

Rob van der Does
25-03-14, 17:45
What resolution are you using? Try using 720p and see if that helps please.

26-03-14, 02:46
What resolution are you using? Try using 720p and see if that helps please.

hi i am using 1080i as i always have.
i tryed with 720p and it stopped the blurryness!

Rob van der Does
26-03-14, 08:25
Thanks, that confirms that this is a driver issue.

31-03-14, 20:17
Thanks, that confirms that this is a driver issue.
can i ask if this will be fixed in later builds at all?

Rob van der Does
31-03-14, 21:44
As soon as a new driver is available we'll use it (after testing). No idea though when that could be.

21-04-14, 19:01
hi i am using 1080i as i always have.
i tryed with 720p and it stopped the blurryness!
it did stop the blurryness but info bar was longer than tv screen so when i adjusted to fit screen blurryness returned?
i am now on helios 01 same problem with burryness on infobar?

23-04-14, 00:26
I also have this on my SF8. The quick epg is blurry but usually when i scroll down a few channels the blurryness goes away. Im set up on 720p on a 720p tv.

24-04-14, 09:15
Any ideas how i can go about fixibg this small problem?


03-06-14, 16:10
this blurry epg problem still exists in the new apollo image build 001 settings on av on box are 1080i hdmi,auto disabled,multi,just scale,just scale.
had this problem since zeus image onwards?
any help with this would as always be very much appreciated.

18-01-15, 20:00
just updating if this problem is fixable as yet?