View Full Version : 2 CCcam.cfgs

22-03-14, 13:30
Hi dunno if this is naughty but is it possible to add 2 Cccams? and have one enabled if the other is down?


abu baniaz
22-03-14, 13:39
We dont do line talks here.

Respect the rules mate.

abu baniaz
22-03-14, 23:41
Thread has been re-opened. There was no specific line talk, just use of two CCcam configs.

My mistake, sorry.:o

23-03-14, 00:25
bit like mg and cccam switch to whatever one needed,1only at a time i think rules state:confused:

23-03-14, 00:44
A lot easier to use 2 different cams than use 2 CCcams as each CCcam will look at the same CCcam.cfg by default on ViX.
Or you could try, blue button -> CCcam info -> Switch config if you really need to (or research that CCcam.cfg a bit more).

If you're using 2 local cards, you should only need one cam, any other reason & help can go no further.

abu baniaz
23-03-14, 00:59
Reading between the lines, no pun intended, OP has two different configs.

The config switch will suit his needs for the cards in the receiver.

23-03-14, 13:25
Hi yes am using 2.2 on one but need Mgcamd for the other but obviously can not uplad 2 cfgs to the same folder
see what am getting at? lol

23-03-14, 13:43
have a read here might be what you want:thumbsup:


23-03-14, 14:35
would be so cool if the Vix team could write in a new plugin like the set up page on a Amiko Micro
it basicly has 6 empty sections and you edit each one as you see fit with all your details and what type of cam
then you simply enable it or disable could this be done or too much hasstle

23-03-14, 14:56
download cccam organizer . open it click on delete peer and choose the line you want to hide. afterwards you can click on recover peer to enable line again. if you have 5 lines in the ccca.cfg you can delete(hide) as many as you want and leave the ones you want on. if you have ccacm info you can clicl on servers and see if you lines are connected or disconnect

23-03-14, 15:40
This thread is now on the rule breaking side. Any more and infractions will be given & thread closed again.

23-03-14, 16:19
just put a # before the lines not used in cccam.cfg.Thats what i do with the differant boxes here in my home.If I don's want my son to see the specific package I put # in front of his F line.

Works also for differant cards in the readers.Example C+ NL and TVV.

If not allowed by board rules pls delted my comment.

23-03-14, 21:57
Why not use OSCAM? It supports multiple readers.