View Full Version : [VU+ Duo2] Autobouquetmaker problem

21-03-14, 14:37
Hi, I'm hoping for some advice regarding Autobouquetmaker.

I've just received my VU+ Duo2 from WoS, pre-installed with the latest ViX image, (I assume). Everything appears to be working, both tuners seem okay (PIP works fine), auto scan pulls in hundreds of channels, CrossEPG seems to be fine, but when I try to use ABM it fails when scanning with the following message:

'Time out for tuner lock'

I'm obviously not recording anything, and the icon for the second tuner activates when scanning, but appears to fail when no channels are found.

I've not tried messing around flashing anything as the box is more or less exactly as it left WoS.

Any ideas & suggestions please?


abu baniaz
21-03-14, 15:12
You can find which image build you are on by pressing Menu, information, about. Build number is what needed to identity image.

How many tuners do you have?

What is your physical dish/lnb setup to each tuner?

Separate question, what is each tuner configured as?

21-03-14, 16:52
It's build Zues 003, I simply meant I was not sure if this was the latest build, though I assume it will be.

To answer your questions, two tuners separately connected to a single fixed dish with quad lnb.

Both tuners:

Configuration mode: Simple
Mode: Single
Satellite: 28.2E....
Send DisEqC: yes

When configured like this ABM fails, however if I configure tuner 2 as loop through from tuner 1 ABM works fine.

abu baniaz
21-03-14, 16:57
Thanks for the repsonse. More questions I am afraid.

As you have a Duo2, is that two tuner modules or total of two tuners. Sorry to ask again, as a duo2 can have upto four tuners plugged in (two duals) and more USB, need to ask.

21-03-14, 17:15
Set Tuner B Equal to Tuner A. Its not a loopthrough as you have seperate cables from the lnb for each tuner

abu baniaz
21-03-14, 17:20
You can have internal loop through which does not need cables. Hence 2nd query to establish total number of tuners.

21-03-14, 17:48
It's a single dual tuner, the second tuner card slot is still free.

When I tried the internal loop through ABM worked, it fails when two cables are connected.

abu baniaz
21-03-14, 18:05
Ok, there is an issue with one of your cables/tuner.

1. check f plugs are on correctly on both cables. They can come off when removing/reconnecting.

If fine
2. Disable on tuner in config. Test one cable at a time in "active tuner" and see if you can identify the "faulty" cable.

If both cables work fine on same tuner in test2.
3. Disable that tuner and repaeat test 2 on other tuner. (If both cables work during test 2, and both fail during test 3, you have a faulty tuner.)

21-03-14, 18:48
Set it as you have, but turn diseqc, off !

Sent from my GT-I9195 using Tapatalk

21-03-14, 20:34
Okay, F plugs are fine, and the tuners/cables have been tested as follows:

Turned Diseqc off on both tuners.

Disabled tuner B:

ABM works on tuner A with both cables without problem.

Enabled tuner B, disabled tuner A:

ABM fails on tuner B with both cables.

I've also done a complete reset, power off and no power cable but no difference.

Tuner B seems to work fine as a simple tuner but cannot be used to run ABM, does this mean that it's faulty?

21-03-14, 20:43
Set B as
28.2E and then try.

Both cables on 28.2E?

21-03-14, 23:08
That's the way B has always been set.

abu baniaz
21-03-14, 23:21
Tuner B seems to work fine as a simple tuner but cannot be used to run ABM, does this mean that it's faulty?
Just to confirm, tuner B being the only one active results in ABM failing. But watching live TV works fine? Could you enable debug logs (restart for changes to take effect) and run the ABM process again. Please upload the debug log.

Please also confirm if thisis still the same in Zeus 007.

Could someone with the same hardware setup try and reproduce too. Thanks.

22-03-14, 08:28
Yes that is correct, when tuner B is the only one active ABM fails, but watching TV works fine. I will happily upload any logs but please tell me how to enable debugging and where they are located, as I said I've only had the box for a couple of days and I'm still learning.

My current build is Zeus 003, do you want me to upgrade to 007, if so then how please?


22-03-14, 08:53
To update to 007 its menu>setup>software update

22-03-14, 09:01
Thanks, actually I checked that just after my last post and did it myself, I must be learning.

Anyway I'm now running Zues 007 and ABM fails on both tuners! (But TV is fine on both).

Personally I'm moving away from the tuner fault idea to a software/driver issue that existed in 003 but had got worse in 007.

22-03-14, 09:12
just as an experiment try setting tuner B to not configured then also go into menu>setup>system>customise and set preferred tuner to A, do a restart and then try ABM again

22-03-14, 10:00
Could someone with the same hardware setup try and reproduce too. Thanks.

Duo2 with 2 x Dual DVB-S2 tuners. Tuners A, C & D 'not configured'. Tuner B simple, single, 28.2E, no.

Inbuilt ABM working fine here. Also works fine with Tuner A active and all others not configured.

Preferred tuner set to Auto in both cases.

I don't currently have cables connected to tuners C & D, so I can't check those.

22-03-14, 10:35
Okay, tuner B not configured, tuner A as preferred and restart. No change ABM still fails.

This worked in 003, unfortunately I stupidly did not backup when upgrading to 007 so I can't go back and recheck.

Incidentally, and this may have no connection, but CrossEPG does not appear to be populating the EPG as I would expect it to, background checking is not disabled.

22-03-14, 10:38
CrossEPG not populating is a known issue - probably unrelated to the issue you currently have with ABM.

What happens if you try an Automatic Scan from the Service searching menu?

22-03-14, 10:38
can you do a clean fresh install and do not load the settings backup so you setup from scratch, I cant replicate your problem on any of my 3 boxes,

22-03-14, 10:39
CrossEPG not populating is a known issue - probably unrelated to the issue you currently have with ABM.

I understand, thanks. I was just curious.

22-03-14, 10:41
can you do a clean fresh install and do not load the settings backup so you setup from scratch, I cant replicate your problem on any of my 3 boxes,

Will do. As I said before I got the box pre-installed, can you point me to some instructions please?

22-03-14, 10:47
What happens if you do an Automatic scan from the Service searching menu?

abu baniaz
22-03-14, 10:49
Will do. As I said before I got the box pre-installed, can you point me to some instructions please?

22-03-14, 11:32
Right, this may start to make more sense now.

Flashed box to latest image, 007, but from download, via pen drive. (Thanks for the link).

Went through setup with no problem. Tuner B enabled - ABM fails, tuner B disabled - ABM works, exactly as it did before I went from 003 to 007 with the OTA upgrade. Basically back to the earlier post.

Auto scan works fine.

So the software now looks okay, is the tuner B hardware looking suspect again?

22-03-14, 11:38
Do you get the same numer of channels if you auto scan on tuner b as you get on tuner a? Might be that tuner b is not switching to the correct frequency when ABM is starting the scan, or LNB is not recognising the switch request.

22-03-14, 11:41
swap the cables over and try it

22-03-14, 13:13
Okay, after a long and very boring test:

Tuner A enabled, tuner B disabled:

ABM (Sky England) 585 video, 61 audio

auto scan 487 channels

Swap cables:

ABM (Sky England) 585 video, 61 audio

auto scan 487 channels

Tuner B enabled, tuner A disabled:

ABM (Sky England) fails

auto scan 471 channels

Swap cables:

ABM (Sky England) fails

auto scan 471 channels

It looks to me like tuner B cannot access one or two transponders, including the one ABM uses.

abu baniaz
22-03-14, 13:22
You should be pulling in over 900 channels on a conventional scan. As each port from LNB is essentially a separate LNB, I would deduce your dish is misaligned. Are you able to test at another location?

22-03-14, 13:23
471 is well low for the auto scan. I get 960 channels on an auto scan. Looks like the box it's either not switching horizontal / vertical polarisation (voltage switch) or low / high frequency (frequency switch).

22-03-14, 13:25
Try the receiver on someone else's dish to see if the lnb is at fault.

22-03-14, 14:03
i also get 960 channels but i have the same problem as i also get Timeout for tuner lock, but i am getting my full 7 day EPG on sky & freeview channels so i am not realy botherd

22-03-14, 14:09
I'll try it on a different dish and get back to you.


22-03-14, 15:17
Well dammit, it looks like I've made a bit of a fool of myself. Switched to using my steerable dish and connected using tuner A followed by tuner B.

Both tuners auto scan 960 channels and again ABM works on both tuners, so it looks like I need to get my ladder and sat meter out, the box and software are fine - a result I am completely happy with.

I can only apologize to everyone who has tried to help, and thank you all too.


22-03-14, 15:24
Nice one. With so many possible causes, it's not always obvious what the real problem is, so there's no harm in asking for help. Sounds like you got there in the end.

abu baniaz
22-03-14, 15:48
No need to apologise. You've not made a fool of yourself, quite the opposite actually.

Well done for not getting frustrated and following things through logically/systematically.

22-03-14, 16:05
:) we have all been their its called a learning curve, and sometimes these little things are their to help us solve a problem, and sometimes the solution is so simple we wonder why we never thought of it before :confused: glad you finally got it sorted :thumbsup:

29-03-14, 12:11
Result; replaced the sky LNB with a quality new one and 961 channels with the existing dish. When I feel like it I might replace the crappy sky dish one of these days.

Many thanks to all.

abu baniaz
29-03-14, 22:55
Unless you suffer during rain or want another sat, there is no need to change it.

31-03-14, 15:15
I take it replacing the lnb fixed the problem then or did you have to realign the dish aswell? My father in laws had exactly the same problem had to disable tuner b for abm to complete. And he's using a sky lnb.

abu baniaz
31-03-14, 15:20
If one port is fine, dish is aligned properly.

Check F plugs on the cable giving issues. Connect it to different output on LNB.

23-04-14, 12:18
Thanks for this thread guys, there is a lot of information that might assist with my tuner lock issue. Wonderful support on this forum as ever.

24-04-14, 08:21
Just an update. This morning selected Tuner B as 'not connected' and scanned ABM. All information and Bouquets loaded fine. Will enable Tuner B tonight and see what happens.