View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] Two problems since reflash.

20-03-14, 00:29
Two problems since update to zeus.
1 I can no longer connect to the box using DCC.Which locks up and have to close with Task manager (WIN 7)
2 When I press pause I get the message 'Timeshift not possible.
Any help would be appreciated ! Is it something I have or haven't done ?

abu baniaz
20-03-14, 00:50
Which image are you on please? It has shown up as 0.

1. I have alwasy had this problem with DCC even with previous image so not sure it is image related.

2. What device are you using for timeshift and what format is it in? Does it show up in mount manager?
( Just tested on Zeus 006, TM Twin and worked fine)

20-03-14, 01:00
Thanks for reply have resolved the timeshift problem remounted usb as media/usb rather than sdb or something and HDD as media /hdd/movie Never had a problem before with DCC for E2 V1.50 Just updated to Zeus 7.

abu baniaz
20-03-14, 01:05
Corrected entry to show 7

Glad you are sorted. Out of curiosity, are you using an external drive?

20-03-14, 01:39
Thanks No it's an internal Western digital I think been in the box since shortly after I bought it from WOS. I have had a 'No timeshift available' warning come up a couple of times when I change channel but it's only on screen for a couple of seconds.
Still would like an answer to the DCC problem though, I find it easier to use for ftp. It just beeps, locks up with network not connected,then won't close down.

20-03-14, 08:40
I'm using latest Zeus (007), have windows 7 and no issues whatsoever with DCC. Must be doing something wrong your end guys.

20-03-14, 12:03
DCC working fine for me, you sure you have the correct IP address entered? Can you connect using other FTP software?

20-03-14, 13:09
thanks for response, went back to an earlier version of DCC and it's OK. The version I was using would not allow me to search/change IP or language, just locked up completely (with incorrect password on it.)

20-03-14, 14:53
Thanks for the feedback on the problem with DCC v1.50 - I will make a note not to use it in future.

I have been using DCC v1.20 for some time and I noticed no problem when reflashed to Zeus.