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View Full Version : picon location in ipk packages

08-11-10, 23:52
When creating ipk packages for PLI images the used folder location should be /picon, when installing a picon ipk package, the PLI image asks, where you want to install the picons.

eg: usb, hdd, flash

Based on your selection it would install to

At the moment the Vix image doesn't seem to handle this, will this be added in the future?

09-11-10, 00:01
the reason y vix has not got this feature as picons change almost daily so its easier to just ftp them to the above mentioned locations as a png it far more easier to do it via ftp or telnet

09-11-10, 00:08
That is correct, but I supply at the moment daily ipk packages to PLI, wich are easy to install with the remote.

So you are saying, it will never be implemented or it will come someday, but low on the priority list?

The benefit from ipk packages are symlinks, my package provide at the moment for over 2500 channels a picon, but only 1000 png's ar einside, this is a real memory saver

09-11-10, 00:11
if i know andy and how he prioratises his bug fixes then that is low on the priority list as there are other ways that seem far easier for our user than to have the picon ipk to be implimented

and andy has a huge list of bug fixes that he needs to fix before andy looks into other smaller things

For our users here me for one i like to change my picons and aloccate the references to diferent channels and change references alot so if a fixed ipk was to be used it would overwrite the user changes and make it a much more harder process. so ineffect adding picons via ftp means picons can be deleted added changed before uploaded them

09-11-10, 00:12
That is correct, but I supply at the moment daily ipk packages to PLI, wich are easy to install with the remote.

So you are saying, it will never be implemented or it will come someday, but low on the priority list?

The benefit from ipk packages are symlinks, my package provide at the moment for over 2500 channels a picon, but only 1000 png's ar einside, this is a real memory saver

the best people to speak to would be the sites admins, personally if your willing to put the hard work in by providing a daily ipk file i cant see any reason why it could not be implemented, although as already stated it would very likely be low on the list of priorities.

09-11-10, 00:19
This is all understandable that it would be low on the list. I'm not trying to force anything, it was just a question to figure out the status at the moment.

For all I know, you guys could've said, yep will be in the next version... but now I know.

BTW: Vix image looks pretty good

09-11-10, 00:22
This is all understandable that it would be low on the list. I'm not trying to force anything, it was just a question to figure out the status at the moment.

For all I know, you guys could've said, yep will be in the next version... but now I know.

BTW: Vix image looks pretty good

no you have it all wrong we only advised you we are not mods so we dont say yes or no the yes or no comes from Sic and or Andy and this will be seen by them and they will answer to your question we only advised you where the image stands at the moment

like phoenix said if you speak to them and you are willing to put in the effort they may introduce it in but it is their call not ours

09-11-10, 00:23
Yes I know, I already PM andy a few days ago, but I didn't get a response...

09-11-10, 00:25
Yes I know, I already PM andy a few days ago, but I didn't get a response...

you will get a responce he has been very busy there are times when i dont get a reponce for days but rest assured you will get a responce

09-11-10, 00:27
I will be waiting, let him take his time. no hurry

09-11-10, 10:50
I hope it will be included. I use the picons from info.picons, or ocram as I know him :) And they are grand and very up to date. I now use ViX too by the way. And I like it too. More modern and slick.

09-11-10, 12:14
Yes I know, I already PM andy a few days ago, but I didn't get a response...

I've been in contact with Andy and he will be replying as soon as he gets a moment. He apologises for the delay in a reply.