View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] Anyone got Airplayer to work after Zeus upgrade

13-03-14, 20:38
Just upgraded to zeus and found that i cant connect via airplayer, has anyone else had the same problem?


17-03-14, 12:39
I was just about to post the same thing, picks up airplayer is available on my mac but when i try switching to air keeps coming up with this...
Was working fine in the old version of vix.

18-03-14, 18:30
Can admin please respond?

18-03-14, 19:53

But, there's no point responding if none of us have tested it?! Which,I. suspect is the reason why none of the admins/mods have responded, as I know I haven't had resources available to test this yet myself...

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk

abu baniaz
18-03-14, 20:25
Bear in mind that not all features are tested by all testers. This can be because everyone has different setups.

A better post would be to attach debug logs from 808 with it working. And also Zeus 005 with it not working so that a comparisson can be made and hopefully spot where it fails. Rather than coming across as if you are owed an answer.

Andy and co do this for free in their own time. The coders have family, work and other commmitments too. Issues also have to be prioritised.

It is obviously a feature that is no longer working and a report will be made and hopefully a solution will be found soon. It could be a simple matter of a newer file being used in the build environment and the plugin requiring an older one.

If loss of this feature spoils your usage of the receiver, you can revert back to 808 if you wish. Subscribe to this thread and you will receive emails/notifications as it progresses. A post will be made when appropriate.

18-03-14, 20:35
One of the reasons to stick with the old image until all these bugs have been resolved

18-03-14, 21:07
Bear in mind that not all features are tested by all testers. This can be because everyone has different setups.

A better post would be to attach debug logs from 808 with it working. And also Zeus 005 with it not working so that a comparisson can be made and hopefully spot where it fails. Rather than coming across as if you are owed an answer.

Andy and co do this for free in their own time. The coders have family, work and other commmitments too. Issues also have to be prioritised.

I am not expecting an instant anwser just some sign of life as this was originally posted on the 13th. I appreciate its all voluntary work as I myself am a volunteer I was not meaning to be blunt.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk

Rob van der Does
18-03-14, 21:22
I am not expecting an instant anwser just some sign of life as this was originally posted on the 13th. I appreciate its all voluntary work as I myself am a volunteer I was not meaning to be blunt.
In spite of the countless hours of testing we did before even thinking of releasing Zeus, we are fully aware that we'll never be able to test all possible setup's users can have. Even a huge company like MS can't do that, let alone a small group like we are.
And as explained above: would you have preferred numerous replies stating 'no idea'? Speaking for myself:I haven't got the foggiest what 'airplayer' could possibly be.

18-03-14, 21:32
Airplayer 0.3.1 working here on Duo2 Zeus 005 via Iphone 4 IOS 5.0.1


Rob - it allows your receiver to stream pictures, mp3s and youtube content via Iphone/Pad

18-03-14, 21:34
Airplayer 0.3.1 working here on Duo2 Zeus 005 via Iphone 4 IOS 5.0.1

Please put us all out of our misery and explain how you achieved this wonderful feat :D

18-03-14, 21:37
I posted the IPK a few days ago. FTP to /tmp - install via blue button and that was it. I only changed the buffer size because I live in the sticks and broadband slow here.

abu baniaz
18-03-14, 21:40
On this post

18-03-14, 21:46
Thanks Abu

Now - the reason I am using this version is that when the Airplayer updated itself to the latest version (4.0.1 I think) my phone would no longer offer me the Airplayer option.

18-03-14, 23:40
Airplayer 0.3.1 working here on Duo2 Zeus 005 via Iphone 4 IOS 5.0.1


Rob - it allows your receiver to stream pictures, mp3s and youtube content via Iphone/Pad

Tried this with Duo still the same problem im afraid.

abu baniaz
18-03-14, 23:44
If you post debug logs it would be helpful.

18-03-14, 23:56
I am getting the same message on my ET9000, however, when I went to the photo centre on the Ipad, it would allow videos and pictures via airplayer. But not youtube?

Fingers crossed the guys will get it sorted.

abu baniaz
19-03-14, 13:18
Andyblac has said logs are required.

Menu > Setup > System > Logs > Settings > Enable debug logs
Change this to yes. A restart is required fo changes to take effect.

It may also be helpful to install the plugin using telnet on a freshly installed image. This will show if any errors are encountered during install.

However, be aware it is a closed source plugin.

19-03-14, 13:24
Andyblac has said logs are required.

Menu > Setup > System > Logs > Settings > Enable debug logs
Change this to yes. A restart is required fo changes to take effect.

It may also be helpful to install the plugin using telnet on a freshly installed image. This will show if any errors are encountered during install.

However, be aware it is a closed source plugin.
Already done this logs will follow asap

19-03-14, 14:13
Andyblac has said logs are required.

Menu > Setup > System > Logs > Settings > Enable debug logs
Change this to yes. A restart is required fo changes to take effect.

It may also be helpful to install the plugin using telnet on a freshly installed image. This will show if any errors are encountered during install.

However, be aware it is a closed source plugin.
log file.

abu baniaz
19-03-14, 14:20
This is the same issue that has affected a few plugins as teh build environment has changed. Also affects PLI 4.0 images.

[AirTunes] loading lib failed
libssl.so.0.9.8: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Did you get the telnet installation log too?

Image is now using libssl.so.1.0.0

You can try creating a symbolic link. Not sure if it will work. Telnet the following command

ln -s /usr/lib/libssl.so.1.0.0 /usr/lib/libssl.so.0.9.8

19-03-14, 22:15
Tried this and still dont work.

abu baniaz
19-03-14, 22:30
Same error code in debug logs or a new one?

19-03-14, 22:32
we no longer use libssl.so.0.9.8 in the image, we now use libsslssl 1.0, so thats why it's no longer working, the plugins author will need to fix his plugin to work with libsslssl 1.0.

Rob van der Does
21-03-14, 07:32
Moved to this section.

Please read this thread HERE (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?33154-ALL-MEMBERS-PLEASE-READ!-New-method-of-posting-in-ViX-Support-Section-coming-soon!)

It's a pity it's a closed source plugin and that is is relying on old libraries.
Nothing we can do as far as I can see.

21-03-14, 19:12
wished I had found this thread before updating to zeus :mad:
i've just tried airplayer and obviously used the search & come to this thread
airplayer.biz site down so no quick fix I suspect

abu baniaz
21-03-14, 19:40
You can always use an older image if you want. Nobody forces you to upgrade.

21-03-14, 20:14
Thanks for the info!!! Will go back to Ver 3 build 808.... Ah well, hopefully the plugin guy will sort or an alternative will come along.

21-03-14, 20:34
I think people need to have a serious think about upgrading as to what are the personal benefits etc etc

21-03-14, 20:37
personal benefits etc etc

Updates are only being made on Zeus builds since last December...

21-03-14, 20:43
I've left a message and will keep you updated.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk

21-03-14, 21:13
no disrespect guys but why should we handicap our image just to keep a few plugins compatible ?, we updated the various libraries for specific reasons, in this case libssl.so.0.9.8 is outdated and unsecured, so we updated to a more secure alternative. you are more than welcome to use ViX 3.0 but there will be no further updates for that image line.

21-03-14, 21:46
I totally agree with you phoenix!! You need to keep your image as best as you can - its progress..... Unfortunately for me though, the Airplayer has become an integral part of our viewing. So for me it is a choice.

With the previous build at 808 - I didnt have any issues, but decided to upgrade to keep on top of things. However, I feel I will miss the airplayer more and I dont think you should comprimise your image becuase of this application. It would be great if it could work - but at present, I guess it is up to the creator.

Thats Life!!

21-03-14, 23:26
Updates are only being made on Zeus builds since last December..

Yes and unfortunately those who are perfectly happy with the previous build have to make a decision as to whether to stick and receive no updates or switch to a build which is receiving mixed feedback including non compatability plug ins...................

21-03-14, 23:43
Gordyboy - I know you are frustrated but that statement is just not fair.

We know why the image has been totally rewritten - to take advantage of new developments in the future and hats off to Andy because he must have put a hell of a lot of hours into this.

This was always going to be tough call because at the moment, outwardly, end users see no real benefit to updating. Indeed - some users will see it as a step back as there will be instances like this where certain things do not quite work as planned.

But this update is planning for the future and those small issues will be ironed out and improved - be it a problem with the image or with a particular plugin.

Why not stay on the version that worked for you and wait until these little bumps are ironed out? There is no harm in that.

In the meantime, post on the airplayer.biz forum for a resolution to this particular problem.

Just trying to be helpful.

abu baniaz
21-03-14, 23:51
I see Skrtach has made teh following post too

Hi mate
Just wanted to let you know that unfortunately your plugin no longer works on zeus which is a shame, this is the apparent reason why.
we no longer use libssl.so.0.9.8 in the image, we now use openssl 1.0, so thats why it's no longer working, the plugins author will need to fix his plugin to work with openssl 1.0.
full conversation can be viewed here http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?36232-Anyone-got-Airplayer-to-work-after-Zeus-upgrade/page3

look forward to using your plugin again soon.

21-03-14, 23:55
We know why the image has been totally rewritten - to take advantage of new developments in the future and hats off to Andy because he must have put a hell of a lot of hours into this.

This was always going to be tough call because at the moment, outwardly, end users see no real benefit to updating. Indeed - some users will see it as a step back as there will be instances like this where certain things do not quite work as planned.

You have totally contradicted yourself. How can you say the statement is unfair when you are admitting that end users see no real benefit to updating and some users will see it as a step back. Everyone acknowledges the hard work and effort put in but I am sure I am not alone in trying to understand what the benefits are now or in the future?

21-03-14, 23:56
I saw that Abu but thanks for posting it mate.

This does still work for me for youtube and pics but I do get the same error when streaming MP3s.

I think this has more to do with the fact that I am using an older IOS (5).

Pestering the plugin author is way to go.

21-03-14, 23:59
end users see no real benefit to updating. Indeed - some users will see it as a step back as there will be instances like this where certain things do not quite work as planned.

We all use different boxes, set-ups, plugins & so on...

The more people that use the latest available image, the sooner issues get found out, reported & fixed.
Using outdated builds doesn't really help anyone.

22-03-14, 00:07
We know why the image has been totally rewritten - to take advantage of new developments in the future and hats off to Andy because he must have put a hell of a lot of hours into this.

This was always going to be tough call because at the moment, outwardly, end users see no real benefit to updating. Indeed - some users will see it as a step back as there will be instances like this where certain things do not quite work as planned.

You have totally contradicted yourself. How can you say the statement is unfair when you are admitting that end users see no real benefit to updating and some users will see it as a step back. Everyone acknowledges the hard work and effort put in but I am sure I am not alone in trying to understand what the benefits are now or in the future?

every single post you have made on this forum in the last week or so has been to moan about the image yet you say you have not updated, we highly value user input but your just moaning for the sake of it in my opinion. if you want to contribute towards getting issues fixed update then post exactly what does not work for you, otherwise use a different image and pester them, see if they bend over backwards for their users as andy does.

22-03-14, 00:13
I'd like to think my posts are constructive. Before the new image was available people were posting constantly when are we going to see an update, when is the new image out without realising the implications. Now its out people are posting my channel hopping is too slow, I've lost my plug ins etc etc...........

I just wonder if the developers felt badgered into getting the release out to satisfy the demand rather than waiting?

22-03-14, 00:16

At the end of the day, this is not commercial software. There is no huge team of developers ready and waiting to devolp new versions and maintain old ones and it relies to a very great extent on users feeding back with potential problems and workarounds.

I am sure I have thrown my toys out of the pram on here before but it really helps nobody.

As i said before, there is no harm on staying on the version that was working for you and then update when the problems are ironed out.

This is getting off topic now so the anser to the original poster (and you) is to not update until the plugin is fixed.

It is your choice.

22-03-14, 00:25
You can always use an older image if you want. Nobody forces you to upgrade.

Yes I am aware of that
I was not moaning, just wished I had read this before updating
If I go back I will take a full image back up so I can return when air player updates

22-03-14, 00:30

Yes - that seems like a good plan.

It is always having a read for a week or so after a new image is released to see if any issues pop up that might affect you.

22-03-14, 00:35
I just wonder if the developers felt badgered into getting the release out to satisfy the demand rather than waiting?

No, image was & is ready for release.

abu baniaz
22-03-14, 00:46
I don't have an Apple device. I'll get it checked when my cousin comes round.

I entered the symblolic link and then installed the airplay. No errors in telnet log. Upon starting it, there were no issues either. The following is output of my debug log

+ (1) Background File Eraser
+ (5) Tuxtxt
+ (8) graphics acceleration manager
+ (9) GFBDC
10800k video mem
- double buffering available!
7560kB available for acceleration surfaces.
resolution: 720 x 576 x 32 (stride: 2880)
+ (9) gLCDDC
found OLED display!
lcd buffer 0x783e60 8448 bytes, stride 132
LCD resolution: 132 x 64 x 8 (stride: 132)
+ (9) Font Render Class
[FONT] initializing lib...
[FONT] loading fonts...
PYTHONPATH: /usr/lib/enigma2/python
[FONT] Intializing font cache, using max. 4MB...
+ (10) gRC
RC thread created successfully
+ (15) eWindowStyleManager
+ (20) DVB-CI UI
+ (20) UHF Modulator
couldnt open /dev/rfmod0!!!!
+ (20) RC Input layer
+ (20) misc options
+ (20) AVSwitch Driver
+ (21) input device driver
Input device "TM-NANO remote control (native)" is a keyboard
Found 1 input devices.
+ (22) Hdmi CEC driver
eHdmiCEC: detected physical address change: 1000 --> C55C
eHdmiCEC: send message 84 C5 5C 88
+ (30) eActionMap
+ (35) CI Slots
scanning for common interfaces..
eDVBCIInterfaces->setInputSource(0, 0)
eDVBCIInterfaces->setInputSource(1, 1)
done, found 0 common interface slots
+ (35) CA handler
+ (36) Stream server
+ (40) eServiceCenter
settings instance.
+ (41) eServiceFactoryDVD
+ (41) eServiceFactoryHDMI
+ (41) eServiceFactoryM2TS
+ (41) eServiceFactoryMP3
+ (41) eServiceFactoryFS
+ (41) eServiceFactoryDVB
reached rl 70
---- opening lame channel db
reading services (version 4)
loaded 80 channels/transponders and 202 services
scanning for frontends..
opening frontend 0
close frontend 0
found 1 adapter, 1 frontends(1 sim) and 5 demux, boxtype 1
RTC not ready... wait for transponder time
[EPGC] Initialized EPGCache (wait for setCacheFile call now)
Loading spinners...
[ePNG] couldn't open /usr/share/enigma2/spinner/wait20.png
found 19 spinner!
setIoPrio best-effort level 3 ok
[Harddisk] enumerating block devices...
new Harddisk sda -> /dev/sda -> /dev/sda
[Harddisk] enumerating network mounts...
main thread is non-idle! display spinner!
Reading satellites.xml
sec config cleared
setSlotInfo for dvb frontend 0 to slotid 0, descr BCM7335 (internal), need rotorworkaround No, enabled Yes, DVB-S2 Yes
slot: 0 configmode: simple
diseqcmode: single
sec config completed
[Time By]: Transponder
[EPGC] time updated.. but cache file not set yet.. dont start epg!!
[Ipkg] Added to OPKG destinations: /
[FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/Roboto-Bold.ttf...executing main
OK (Regular)
[FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/Roboto-BoldItalic.ttf...OK (Italic)
[FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/Roboto-Black.ttf...OK (Bold)
[FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/Roboto-BlackItalic.ttf...OK (Boldit)
[FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/nmsbd.ttf...OK (Subtitlefont)
[FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/lcd.ttf...OK (LCD)
[FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/ae_AlMateen.ttf...OK (Replacement)
[FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/tuxtxt.ttf...OK (Console)
- double buffering available!
3600kB available for acceleration surfaces.
resolution: 1280 x 720 x 32 (stride: 5120)
[SKIN] loading include: /usr/share/enigma2/ViX-Common/CommonSkin.xml
[FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/nmsbd.ttf...OK (Subs)
[FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/nmsbd.ttf...OK (FdLcD)
[iInputDevices] getInputDevices <ERROR: ioctl(EVIOCGNAME): [Errno 25] Inappropriate ioctl for device >
Activating keymap: Default (US)
Activating language English (UK)
[VideoMode] setting aspect: 16:9
[VideoMode] setting wss: auto
[VideoMode] setting policy: panscan
[VideoMode] setting policy2: letterbox
[VideoMode] setting scaler_sharpness to: 0000000D
[VideoMode] setMode - port: HDMI, mode: 1080i, rate: 50Hz
[EPGC Load] Poller disabled.
[EPGC Save] Poller disabled.
[EPGC] setCacheFile read/write epg data from/to '/etc/enigma2/epg.dat'
couldn't open /proc/stb/misc/12V_output
setLCDBrightness 25
setLCDBrightness 127
setLCDScrollspeed 150
setLCDRepeat 3
setLCDMode 1
Setting OSD position: 0 720 0 576
Setting OSD alpha: 255
Setting 3D mode: auto
Setting 3D depth: 50
[EPGC Save] Poller disabled.
[EPGC Load] Poller disabled.
FIXME: request for unknown slot
FIXME: request for unknown slot
FIXME: request for unknown slot
FIXME: request for unknown slot
Plugin Extensions/WebInterface failed to load: No module named plugin
[AirPlayer] search for Skins
[AirPlayer] found Skin Classic
[AirPlayer] using skin /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/AirPlayer/Skins/Classic/1280x720/skin.xml
[AirPlayer] running python sys.version_info(major=2, minor=7, micro=3, releaselevel='final', serial=0)
[AirPlayer] Checking for usable AzBox service ...

[AirPlayer] Checking for usable gstreamer service ...

[AirPlayUpdater] vumodel: vu+duo
[AirPlayUpdater] model: vu+duo
[AirPlayUpdater] vumodel: vu+duo
[AirPlayUpdater] model: vu+duo
[AutoBouquets] set language to en
[AutoBouquets] fallback to default translation for default
[AutoBouquets] fallback to default translation for style 1
[AutoBouquets] fallback to default translation for style 2
[AutoBouquets] fallback to default translation for style 3
[AutoBouquets] fallback to default translation for style 4
[AutoBouquets] fallback to default translation for style 5
[AutoBouquets] fallback to default translation for default
[AutoBouquets] fallback to default translation for HD First
[AutoBouquets] fallback to default translation for Sort 1
[AutoBouquets] fallback to default translation for Sort 2
[AutoBouquets] fallback to default translation for Sort 3
[AutoBouquets] fallback to default translation for no
[AutoBouquets] fallback to default translation for /usr/share/enigma2/picon
[AutoBouquets] fallback to default translation for /picon
[AutoBouquets] fallback to default translation for /media/usb/picon
[AutoBouquets] fallback to default translation for /media/hdd/picon
[AutoBouquets] fallback to default translation for /media/cf/picon
[AutoBouquets] fallback to default translation for /usr/share/enigma2/picon
[AutoBouquets] fallback to default translation for /picon
[AutoBouquets] fallback to default translation for /media/usb/picon
[AutoBouquets] fallback to default translation for /media/hdd/picon
[AutoBouquets] fallback to default translation for /media/cf/picon
[AutoBouquets] fallback to default translation for Daily
[AutoBouquets] fallback to default translation for Weekly
[AutoBouquets] fallback to default translation for 30 Days
[AutoBouquets] fallback to default translation for AutoBouquets E2
[AutoBouquets] fallback to default translation for 28.2e stream bouquet downloader
[AutoBouquets] fallback to default translation for AutoBouquets Downloader
[AutoBouquets] fallback to default translation for 28.2e stream bouquet downloader
[XMLTVImport] autostart (0) occured at 1395445023.24
[AutoTimer] Auto Poll Enabled
[SoftcamManager] AutoStart Enabled
[CI_Assignment] activating ci configs:
[CI_Activate] FOUND 0 CI Slots
starting hotplug handler
wasTimerWakeup failed!
[CrossEPG_Auto] AutoStart Enabled
[CrossEPG_Auto] Schedule Disabled at Fri 21 Mar 2014 23:37:03 GMT
[AutoBouquets] AutoStart Enabled
[AutoBouquets] AutoBouquets Schedule Disabled at (now=Fri 21 Mar 2014 23:37:03 GMT)
[ImageManager] AutoStart Enabled
[ImageManager] Backup Schedule Disabled at (now=Fri 21 Mar 2014 23:37:03 GMT)
[BackupManager] AutoStart Enabled
[BackupManager] Backup Schedule Disabled at (now=Fri 21 Mar 2014 23:37:03 GMT)
[AutoBouquetsMaker] AutoStart Enabled
[AutoBouquetsMaker] AutoBouquetsMaker Schedule Disabled at Fri 21 Mar 2014 23:37:03 GMT
[XMLTVImport] autostart (0) occured at 1395445023.37
[XMLTVImport] WakeUpTime now set to -1 (now=1395445023)
warning, skin is missing element state in <class 'Screens.PVRState.TimeshiftState'>
RemovePopup, id = ZapError
[Skin] Attribute not implemented: alphatest value: blend
setValue 100
Setvolume: 100 100 (raw)
Setvolume: 0 0 (-1db)
Setvolume: 100 100 (raw)
Setvolume: 0 0 (-1db)
[LogManager] Trim Poll Started
[LogManager] Trash Poll Started
[LogManager] probing folders
[LogManager] found following log's: ['/media/hdd/logs', '/home/root/logs']
[LogManager] looking in: /media/hdd/logs
[LogManager] /media/hdd/logs: bytesToRemove -10465861
[LogManager] looking in: /home/root/logs
[LogManager] /home/root/logs: bytesToRemove -10392161
[NTP]: setting E2 time: 1395445026.25
[EPGC] time updated.. start EPG Mainloop
playing 1:0:1:189D:7FD:2:11A0000:0:0:0:
[Picload] setPara max-X=100 max-Y=60 aspect_ratio=0.000000 cache=1 resize=1 bg=#FF000000
[Picload] setPara max-X=100 max-Y=60 aspect_ratio=0.000000 cache=1 resize=1 bg=#FF000000
[Picload] decode picture... /usr/share/enigma2/ViX-Night-HD/picon_default.png
[Picload] decode picture... /usr/share/enigma2/ViX-Night-HD/picon_default.png
main thread is non-idle! display spinner!
[EPGC] 43023 events read from /etc/enigma2/epg.dat
RemovePopup, id = ZapError
allocate channel.. 07fd:0002
opening frontend 0
RotorCmd ffffffff, lastRotorCmd ffffffff
prepare_sat System 0 Freq 10773250 Pol 0 SR 22000000 INV 2 FEC 4 orbpos 282 system 0 modulation 1 pilot 2, rolloff 0
tuning to 1023 mhz
OURSTATE: tuning
allocate Channel: res 0
[eDVBCIInterfaces] addPMTHandler 1:0:1:189D:7FD:2:11A0000:0:0:0:
allocate demux
poll: unhandled POLLERR/HUP/NVAL for fd 31(16)
poll: unhandled POLLERR/HUP/NVAL for fd 34(16)
poll: unhandled POLLERR/HUP/NVAL for fd 37(16)
job Components.Task.Job name=LogManager #tasks=1 completed with [] in None
[SEC] set static current limiting
ER plugin not found
[OpenWebif] loading external plugins...
[OpenWebif] no plugins to load
[OpenWebif] started on 80
executing opkg --add-dest /:/ update
[OpenWebif] started on 443
[AirPlayer] found network dev eth0
[AirPlayer] starting AirPlayer version 0.4.1 on mips32el
[AirPlayer] starting webserver
[AirPlayer] init Backend
[AirPlayer] init E2MediaBackEnd
[AirPlayUpdater] reading interface
[AirPlayUpdater] running on interface

#######EDIT #mac address removed #

[AirPlayUpdater] vumodel: vu+duo
[AirPlayUpdater] model: vu+duo
[AirPlayUpdater] running on model: vu+duo
[AirPlayUpdater] BoxID is 2108211
[AirPlayUpdater] check validation
[AirPlayUpdater] validationKey KM3/YnufmRCGsRdu2IjEluDBJGIEfJ3vdKD+B9WrWzVwQ1mND8o7C+ bfTSXe90SoiJmJNytagw2z4UFYLJzmI0oeoyzO3tIGDiraguQS ByhVpZah6/3kJBiRoHN3fKO/vAIn0zIbypb+1LO9G3YiTUPx7OLND9Uiny8HpphtoPAP2jrK5n +Ds/4qrN6B+cK8c1QIFwUp+XavHRBQAcIY3Zvi1P9E41KvIbWlz6v5 2C7zXu7I4KNIpZ7vHDkXbtq0Ha7UteZVeabq8qkhD56ueTlkHU U13qhsQY7sX+dEVxvDTeK5CQ24UuLYsmwp0Vh+f+X6A0hy2ktf 4/hIxfg73w==
[AirPlayer] using ServiceID: 4097
[AirPlayer] init protocol handler
[AirTunes] loading lib done
[AirPlayer] check for updates
[AirPlayer] update: up to date
[AirPlayer] starting protocol hadler
[AirPlayer] starting webserver done
[AirPlayer] starting zeroconf
killall: zeroconfig: no process killed
[AirPlayer] starting zeroconf done
poll: unhandled POLLERR/HUP/NVAL for fd 36(16)
job Components.Task.Job name=OnlineVersionCheck #tasks=1 completed with [] in None
[SEC] invalidate current switch params
[SEC] setVoltage 2
[SEC] sleep 10ms
set sequence pos 3
[SEC] update current switch params
[SEC] startTuneTimeout 5000
[SEC] setFrontend 1
setting frontend 0
(0)fe event: status 0, inversion off, m_tuning 1
(0)fe event: status 19, inversion off, m_tuning 2
[eDVBLocalTimerHandler] channel 0x1e8cec0 running
[eEPGCache] channel 0x1e8cec0 running
stop release channel timer
[EPGC] next update in 2 sec
ok ... now we start!!
eventNewProgramInfo 0 0
have 1 video stream(s) (1388), and 1 audio stream(s) (1389), and the pcr pid is 1388, and the text pid is 138b
allocate demux
decoder state: play, vpid=5000, apid=5001
DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x1388) - pcr - ok
DEMUX_START - pcr - ok
DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x1389) - audio - ok
DEMUX_START - audio - ok
Video Device: /dev/dvb/adapter0/video0
demux device: /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0
DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x1388) - video - ok
DEMUX_START - video - ok
DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x138b) - ttx - ok
DEMUX_START - ttx - ok
AUDIO_CONTINUE - [EPGC] start caching events(1395445033)
disable teletext subtitles page ffffffffffffffff (und)
[eDVBCAService] new service 1:0:1:189D:7FD:2:11A0000:0:0:0:
[eDVBCAService] add demux 0 to slot 0 service 1:0:1:189D:7FD:2:11A0000:0:0:0:
RemovePopup, id = ZapError
[SEC] sleep 500ms
use pmtpid 0100 for service_id 189d
job Components.Task.Job name=SoftcamCheck #tasks=1 completed with [] in None
eventNewProgramInfo 0 0
have 1 video stream(s) (1388), and 2 audio stream(s) (1389, 138a), and the pcr pid is 1388, and the text pid is 138b
decoder state: play, vpid=5000, apid=5001
[eDVBCIInterfaces] gotPMT
[VideoMode] setting aspect: 16:9
[VideoMode] setting wss: auto
[VideoMode] setting policy: panscan
[VideoMode] setting policy2: letterbox
[Dish] tuning failed
[SEC] set dynamic current limiting
executing opkg --add-dest /:/ list-upgradable
poll: unhandled POLLERR/HUP/NVAL for fd 34(16)
[eDVBLocalTimerHandler] dont have correction.. set Transponder Diff
[eDVBLocalTimerHandler] update RTC
[eDVBLocalTimerHandler] time update to 23:37:15
[eDVBLocalTimerHandler] m_time_difference is -1
[eDVBLocalTimerHandler] set Linux Time
sdt update done!
[OnlineVersionCheck] 0 Updates available
poll: unhandled POLLERR/HUP/NVAL for fd 69(16)
[EPGC] abort non avail nownext reading
[EPGC] abort non avail schedule reading
[EPGC] abort non avail netmed schedule reading
[EPGC] abort non avail netmed schedule other reading
[EPGC] abort non avail viasat reading
action -> InfobarMenuActions mainMenu
KEY: 352 OK
action -> OkCancelActions ok
KEY: 352 OK
KEY: 103 UP
KEY: 103 UP
KEY: 103 UP
KEY: 103 UP
KEY: 103 UP
KEY: 103 UP
KEY: 352 OK
action -> WizardActions ok
[SKIN] Parsing embedded skin <embedded-in-'AP_MainMenu'>
KEY: 352 OK
action -> ColorActions green
[AirPlayer] open Update Screen
[AirPlayUpdater] reading interface
[AirPlayUpdater] running on interface 0c:c6:ac:01:17:13
[AirPlayUpdater] vumodel: vu+duo
[AirPlayUpdater] model: vu+duo
[AirPlayUpdater] running on model: vu+duo
[AirPlayUpdater] check validation
[AirPlayUpdater] validationKey BBsuSP60IiYcApwrhbTO9mRmO5eTwVYd8YVdeKWhqRXJrLTEq0 kfU/G6JBf7yuxSt+aR2E+tzQXQ9JLxpRECqbRJhVqVpDk8n3Wwx4Kw v4nyolYHr+mrl2U/YyEOJ5GqN3LqHNH0SFWxUW3BZ6qkxpndHLTeWCoK5yN5fiA6+r dIbi5sTkC94Zl5uLLYQj0t53+fnsYHySVDV8yS0S+OHXh8DzG4 jmM6xvI/FgIjHjoPiDBvyGs4GZb0ZidQDoCVU6T0UYGVjhy6uBs3OtFTaf x18Zuorxn4UBDaio8IkUGu5zYzkEccS22gS0uXsSBlVhed0l7o 2rLg3QYt4oLUOA==
[SKIN] Parsing embedded skin <embedded-in-'AP_UpdateScreen'>
halign must be either left, center, right or block!, not top. Please contact the skin's author!
valign must be either top, center or bottom!, not left. Please contact the skin's author!
KEY: 352 OK
action -> OkCancelActions ok
unknown action OkCancelActions/ok! typo in keymap?
KEY: 352 OK
action -> OkCancelActions OK
unknown action OkCancelActions/OK! typo in keymap?
action -> OkCancelActions cancel
ER plugin not found
[OpenWebif] page '/' ok (cheetah template)
[OpenWebif] loading configuration file : /usr/share/enigma2/setup.xml
[OpenWebif] loading configuration section : time
[OpenWebif] loading configuration section : avsetup
[OpenWebif] loading configuration section : usage
[OpenWebif] loading configuration section : userinterface
[OpenWebif] loading configuration section : channelselection
[OpenWebif] loading configuration section : epgsettings
[OpenWebif] loading configuration section : subtitlesetup
[OpenWebif] loading configuration section : autolanguagesetup
[OpenWebif] loading configuration section : recording
[OpenWebif] loading configuration section : harddisk
[OpenWebif] loading configuration section : keyboard
[OpenWebif] loading configuration section : display
[OpenWebif] loading configuration section : softwareupdate
[OpenWebif] loading configuration section : remotesetup
[OpenWebif] loading configuration section : softcamsetup
[OpenWebif] loading configuration section : logs
[OpenWebif] loading configuration section : timeshift
[OpenWebif] loading configuration section : pluginbrowsersetup
[OpenWebif] loading configuration file : /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/ViX/setup.xml
[OpenWebif] loading configuration section : vixsoftcammanager
[OpenWebif] page '/ajax/tv?_=1395445172744' ok (cheetah template)
[OpenWebif] page '/ajax/bouquets?_=1395445173172' ok (cheetah template)
ER plugin not found
[OpenWebif] page '/api/expandmenu?name=remote&_=1395445179851' ok (json)
action -> OkCancelActions cancel
[OpenWebif] page '/api/remotecontrol?command=174&_=1395445181765' ok (json)
[OpenWebif] page '/ajax/screenshot?_=1395445182768' ok (cheetah template)
Grabbing 32bit Framebuffer ...
... Framebuffer-Size: 1280 x 720
Grabbing Video ...
Resizing Video to 1280 x 720 ...
Merge Video with Framebuffer ...
Resizing Screenshot to 700 x 393 ...
Saving 24 bit /tmp/screenshot.jpg ...
... Done !
KEY: 352 OK
action -> WizardActions ok
[SKIN] Parsing embedded skin <embedded-in-'AP_MainMenu'>
KEY: 352 OK
[OpenWebif] page '/api/remotecontrol?command=352&_=1395445186813' ok (json)
Grabbing 32bit Framebuffer ...
... Framebuffer-Size: 1280 x 720
Grabbing Video ...
Resizing Video to 1280 x 720 ...
Merge Video with Framebuffer ...
Resizing Screenshot to 700 x 393 ...
Saving 24 bit /tmp/screenshot.jpg ...
... Done !
[AutoTimer] Auto Poll
[AutoTimer] Auto Poll Started
job Components.Task.Job name=AutoTimer #tasks=0 completed with [] in None
action -> ColorActions yellow
[AirPlayer] pressed start
[AirPlayer] trying to stop if running
[AirPlayer] service stopped
[AirPlayer] trying to start
[AirPlayer] starting AirPlayer version 0.4.1 on mips32el
[AirPlayer] starting webserver
[AirPlayer] init Backend
[AirPlayer] init E2MediaBackEnd
[AirPlayUpdater] reading interface
[AirPlayUpdater] running on interface 0c:c6:ac:01:17:13
[AirPlayUpdater] vumodel: vu+duo
[AirPlayUpdater] model: vu+duo
[AirPlayUpdater] running on model: vu+duo
[AirPlayUpdater] check validation
[AirPlayUpdater] validationKey FMPt/PbKLk4D+lU22iQardFOwnTRL0db+0eODpkg+gbo8BAmVZe0hB1 U1IuEFBGqA6MM3F4Cp8jcl5zhqDdapgm/sICMvuddDbwM0A4UWNMNgbrrdyckjPOgyluAKQtBqnHqDjxdDm fyYTJ+W58yuzoQSYEudon0ZzQDuLJV7RyHgC9NeSGgSp1Vy7TJ 3GMd7nZuOe4DRQyQAQw1CWIibaFWpvBFh4nUo3J0FjwVL7M6ij ujELuClv1GQU2ipmB+Py7eHfqjLQTjsXP5YDCkQCpoXMqDTEFB 7MfEExXU0TINGCHawkWWntwslVCtVlwS+Tv3a4nMs33S/5BHs9XrFw==
[AirPlayer] using ServiceID: 4097
[AirPlayer] init protocol handler
[AirTunes] loading lib done
[AirPlayer] check for updates
[AirPlayer] update: up to date
[AirPlayer] starting protocol hadler
("Exception(Can be ignored): Couldn't listen on [Errno 125] Address already in use.", 'Plugins.Extensions.AirPlayer.protocol_handler', 'W')
("Exception(Can be ignored): Couldn't listen on [Errno 125] Address already in use.", 'Plugins.Extensions.AirPlayer.AirTunes', 'W')
[AirPlayer] starting webserver done
[AirPlayer] starting zeroconf
killall: zeroconfig: no process killed
[AirPlayer] starting zeroconf done
[OpenWebif] page '/api/remotecontrol?command=400&_=1395445213732' ok (json)
Grabbing 32bit Framebuffer ...
... Framebuffer-Size: 1280 x 720
Grabbing Video ...
Resizing Video to 1280 x 720 ...
Merge Video with Framebuffer ...
Resizing Screenshot to 700 x 393 ...
Saving 24 bit /tmp/screenshot.jpg ...
... Done !
action -> WizardActions back
[OpenWebif] page '/api/remotecontrol?command=174&_=1395445248883' ok (json)
Grabbing 32bit Framebuffer ...
... Framebuffer-Size: 1280 x 720
Grabbing Video ...
Resizing Video to 1280 x 720 ...
Merge Video with Framebuffer ...
Resizing Screenshot to 700 x 393 ...
Saving 24 bit /tmp/screenshot.jpg ...
... Done !
KEY: 352 OK
action -> OkCancelActions ok
KEY: 352 OK
[OpenWebif] page '/api/remotecontrol?command=352&_=1395445253299' ok (json)
Grabbing 32bit Framebuffer ...
... Framebuffer-Size: 1280 x 720
Grabbing Video ...
Resizing Video to 1280 x 720 ...
Merge Video with Framebuffer ...
Resizing Screenshot to 700 x 393 ...
Saving 24 bit /tmp/screenshot.jpg ...
... Done !
KEY: 352 OK
action -> WizardActions ok
[SKIN] Parsing embedded skin <embedded-in-'AP_MainMenu'>
KEY: 352 OK
[OpenWebif] page '/api/remotecontrol?command=352&_=1395445257044' ok (json)
Grabbing 32bit Framebuffer ...
... Framebuffer-Size: 1280 x 720
Grabbing Video ...
Resizing Video to 1280 x 720 ...
Merge Video with Framebuffer ...
Resizing Screenshot to 700 x 393 ...
Saving 24 bit /tmp/screenshot.jpg ...
... Done !
KEY: 398 RED
KEY: 398 RED
action -> ColorActions red
[AirPlayer] open Settings
[SKIN] Parsing embedded skin <embedded-in-'AP_ConfigScreen'>
[OpenWebif] page '/api/remotecontrol?command=398&_=1395445263515' ok (json)
Grabbing 32bit Framebuffer ...
... Framebuffer-Size: 1280 x 720
Grabbing Video ...
Resizing Video to 1280 x 720 ...
Merge Video with Framebuffer ...
Resizing Screenshot to 700 x 393 ...
Saving 24 bit /tmp/screenshot.jpg ...
... Done !
action -> SetupActions cancel
[OpenWebif] page '/api/remotecontrol?command=174&_=1395445271595' ok (json)
Grabbing 32bit Framebuffer ...
... Framebuffer-Size: 1280 x 720
Grabbing Video ...
Resizing Video to 1280 x 720 ...
Merge Video with Framebuffer ...
Resizing Screenshot to 700 x 393 ...
Saving 24 bit /tmp/screenshot.jpg ...
... Done !

22-03-14, 00:48
Gordyboy - I know you are frustrated but that statement is just not fair.

We know why the image has been totally rewritten - to take advantage of new developments in the future and hats off to Andy because he must have put a hell of a lot of hours into this.

This was always going to be tough call because at the moment, outwardly, end users see no real benefit to updating. Indeed - some users will see it as a step back as there will be instances like this where certain things do not quite work as planned.

But this update is planning for the future and those small issues will be ironed out and improved - be it a problem with the image or with a particular plugin.

Why not stay on the version that worked for you and wait until these little bumps are ironed out? There is no harm in that.

In the meantime, post on the airplayer.biz forum for a resolution to this particular problem.

Just trying to be helpful.
i like the way you have posted here, with understanding, patience & respect, some senior members of the forum here should take note.

i agree also with what you say about sticking to older versions if that's what works.
i'm just curious about the planning for the future thing?
andyblac can't force developers to update their plugins, so we may see old plugins that some people can't seem to live without never working on vix.
and thats fine with a lot of other people that understand we need to move with the times, but what is this openssl 1.0 all about?
will it satisfy plugin hungry people?.. will it do away with plugins?
i'm sure everyone is eager to know, and i can't pretend to have read all the threads here, but the times i have 'flicked through' i can't recall seeing how advantageous zeus is going to be.
again, thanks for your input (above)

abu baniaz
22-03-14, 01:11
Almost all image teams will update their build environments. Do they not update because a plugin does not work? If you look at the airplay changelog, there was a fix to work on the new IOS. Would it be a logical argument to give to Apple, Airplay does not work. You are wrong to bring out the new ios?

With any issue, an understnding of the root cause is required and being able to trace/see the fault.

Airplay is not working on Vix Zeus

Cause that has triggered the issue:
This is becasue the Vix image is now using libssl.so.1.0.0.

Has the plugin author put in a requirement that libsssl = 0.98 or libsssl => 0.98
If he has put in equal to or greater than 0.98, it should work using latest libssl. Until he confirms this, it is a waiting game.

If there is a problem with libssl.so.1.0.0 other plugins will stop working too. The only way this can be identified is for people who experience issues to report them with accurate and helpful reports.

22-03-14, 01:20
some senior members of the forum here should take note.

andyblac can't force developers to update their plugins, so we may see old plugins that some people can't seem to live without never working on vix.
That's how updating & new working plugins get developed.

22-03-14, 01:32

That's how updating & new working plugins get developed.
you're quoting me here for what exactly?
i'm sorry, but i don't understand any of it.

abu baniaz
22-03-14, 01:48
Comments like "some senior members of the forum here should take note" rub people the wrong way. If there is an issue with a post by a "senior" or "junior" person, report it. If there is an issue with a moderator, don't argue with them in public, send a PM explaining your objection to their post. Send a PM to Admin if you must.

It is only a hobby. No need to get upset or upset anyone. Let us keep helping each other by sharing knowledge/experience. Rants will not help anyone. Nor will posts with little information to work off.

Person making posts:
Post in such a way that a person reading can understnd what you want to say, what your issue is, any errors. and how tehy can help you. They are not there in aperson and tehy do not have a glass ball.

Person responding
Not everybody has the same knowledge/experience. You were once a newbie. Respond in such a way that the person is helped.

abu baniaz
22-03-14, 02:24
Taken from


OpenSSL Security Advisory [10 May 2012]

Invalid TLS/DTLS record attack (CVE-2012-2333)

A flaw in the OpenSSL handling of CBC mode ciphersuites in TLS 1.1, 1.2 and
DTLS can be exploited in a denial of service attack on both clients and

DTLS applications are affected in all versions of OpenSSL. TLS is only
affected in OpenSSL 1.0.1 and later.

Thanks to Codenomicon for discovering this issue using Fuzz-o-Matic fuzzing
as a service testing platform.

The fix was developed by Stephen Henson of the OpenSSL core team.

Affected users should upgrade to OpenSSL 1.0.1c, 1.0.0j or 0.9.8x


URL for this Security Advisory:

Rob van der Does
22-03-14, 07:20
First of all, I would like you to know that all our team members spent literally hundreds of hours testing the new image and that we only released it when we were all happy to see it working without any flaw.

I also would like you to understand that all of us/you have a different set up; this includes plugins used. As there are so may plugins out there, chances are that the public uses one or more plugins that have not been used/tested by the team.

An example of this is Airplayer, as none of us uses an Apple device. So we are grateful for reports about issues we haven't discovered ourselves, and we have committed ourselves to try to get any issue fixed.
Doesn't it strike you that MS works the same way :p

Anyway: this is where we are limited. While we are offering Open Source software, allowing everybody to make personal changes and hence providing an easy way for plugin authors to adapt their work to our image, many plugins are closed source. No idea why, but that's a fact of life.
If an authors has no interest in doing so, we can be of assistance if the plugin is also open source. If not, it's the end of the story.

So please: report issues (as you do), stop moaning (as that will only lead to loosing our interest in the issue), and don't accuse us of not testing properly or enough.

PS: Could Airplayer users please see if the attached version works? I tried it, and it starts (and that's all I can test).

22-03-14, 11:11
Hello Rob van der Does,

I will check this in a bit - however, I am currently running this version on my ET9000 and it works and starts, but you cannot play movies or vids from the I-Pad / I-Phone to be shown on the TV.

A message appears on my screen saying;

"Airtunes audio streaming is not implemented for this box type"

However, you can view picture from the Ipad / Iphone on the airplayer, and this app makes them appear on the TV like Magic.

22-03-14, 11:21
just downloaded test results back in 5 minutes
when adding premium key i still get :-

Your Premium-Status could not be checked because:
libssl.so.0.9.8: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

crashes and gives message airtunes not supported with this box type

Rob van der Does
22-03-14, 11:37
OK, thanks, it was worth a try. So we really have to await a fix by the author.

22-03-14, 11:49
Afraid it didn't work for me either. same error as last time on vu+ duo 33341

22-03-14, 12:00
i have sent a log to abu
if you add sumbolic link you can add preium key
but black screen after airtunes message when trying to play moviebox etc
thanks for trying guys :thumbsup:

abu baniaz
22-03-14, 12:14
Best to upload logs here mate. (not received it though) That way everyone can check and these can be forwarded to the plugin author.

22-03-14, 12:33
attached log
ive also posted log on authors site

22-03-14, 12:34
At the end of the day I am a great believer in open dialogue, constructive not derogatory or offensive.

Everyone on this forum respects [should respect] all the hard work that goes into new developments.

I've said my point.

22-03-14, 12:44
I have tried airplay on my old cloud ibox and my new VU Solo2 - It just hangs up on both and I end up just reflashing and avoiding it like the plague! :o

abu baniaz
22-03-14, 12:45
Found this in your log

/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/AirPlayer/hairtunes: error while loading shared libraries: libcrypto.so.0.9.8: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[AirTunes] setup done

Were there any issues with the symbolic link creation?

22-03-14, 12:56
no symbolic link seemed to work, before I could not add premium key via browser
but now I can so its linked ok I assume

abu baniaz
24-03-14, 19:39
Found this on his FAQs

F: How can i create a LOG?
A: On Dreambox/VU/ET/CT please connect to your Box via telnet and type in

init 4
enigma2 > /tmp/airplay_log.txt 2>&1

Now Enigma2 is starting in the console, execute the action you want to logg. Quit Enigma2 via the menu and afterwards copy the file
/tmp/airplay_log.txt via ftp from the Box.

26-03-14, 10:23
airplayer seems to work fine on Zeus #11

install airplayer

Connect to box with telnet

init 4
cd /usr/lib
ln -s libssl.so.1.0.0 libssl.so.0.9.8
init 3

perhaps the following is also need because these 2 lib often work together:
init 4
cd /lib
ln -s libcrypto.so.1.0.0 libcrypto.so.0.9.8
init 3

I tested with Streambels on Android 4.4.2 with photo and video. I could not check youtube and mp3 because I do not have a premium key and I do not know how to do it with youtube.


27-03-14, 22:48
[openvix 013] add 'libcrypto-compat-0.9.8' required for AirPlay.
has anyone got this working now
only had a quick test earlier but black screen
will fully test tomorrow when i get time

28-03-14, 08:40
as I said I watched a short bit of a video, some videos and a bit of youtube so basically it seems work. I have no premium key to I cannot test all features.

Enable debug.log, restart GUI, play a bit with Airplay and post log here perhaps we can see something.


28-03-14, 13:06
airplayer seems to work fine on Zeus #11

install airplayer

Connect to box with telnet

init 4
cd /usr/lib
ln -s libssl.so.1.0.0 libssl.so.0.9.8
init 3

perhaps the following is also need because these 2 lib often work together:
init 4
cd /lib
ln -s libcrypto.so.1.0.0 libcrypto.so.0.9.8
init 3

I tested with Streambels on Android 4.4.2 with photo and video. I could not check youtube and mp3 because I do not have a premium key and I do not know how to do it with youtube.


I have tested the same as Trial with Streambels on Android 4.4.2 youtube,pics & videos seem to work fine but get this error when streaming audio.

28-03-14, 17:51
Hi skratch,
did you use 0.41? mp3 also only works when you have premium key.

In latest versions of Zeus these links are created automatically.


28-03-14, 17:58
Hi skratch,
did you use 0.41? mp3 also only works when you have premium key.

In latest versions of Zeus these links are created automatically.

Hi mate
I have got 0.4.1 installed and got a key to try to see if this was the problem but even with a key audio did not work.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk

abu baniaz
28-03-14, 18:03
Would be handy to get the logs.

31-03-14, 14:30
Hi all,

I am running build 16 of Zeus and was wondering if Airplay is now working? How do I enable this feature?

06-04-14, 22:14
Tried it tonight on build 021 but it's not working for me
I guess we need an update from airplayer author
I've posted asking if there is any update coming on there site

20-04-14, 11:35
obvious question will airplayer still not work with Helios?
I assume Helios is still compiled with the latest libssl.so?

Rob van der Does
20-04-14, 11:42
Please try it and report here.

20-04-14, 11:52
Is the new build available now?

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk

20-04-14, 11:58
Is the new build available now?

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk

Yes, here:


Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk

20-04-14, 12:00
Yes, here:


Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk

Ohhhh I missed this that's why there has been no more updates on Zeus.
Cheers for that.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk

22-04-14, 06:10
I flashed my ultimo with Helios.001. I did settings and plugin restore after flashing, but Airplayer was missing from the plugin list. Tried to re-install it, but it seems it is removed from the feeds? I could not find it under "extensions" at all. Is is removed on purpose?

Rob van der Does
22-04-14, 06:28
Is is removed on purpose?
Yes, as it's a paid plugin (and the author even doesn't want to fix it).
We have the 'OpenAirPlayer' instead.

22-04-14, 07:42
Too bad. Airplayer was the only airplay plugin that worked ok (until Zeus). My experience with OpenAirPlayer is that it gives black screen for almost anything you try to stream.

Rob van der Does
22-04-14, 08:02
We had several reports on this board stating that the open version works fine. So maybe open a support thread for that? And it's an open plugin, so everybody can help in improving it.

22-04-14, 10:03
Openairplay worked for me on zeus build 022. Gigablue hd quad

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 2

22-04-14, 11:17
...working meaning what? It might work for a Youtube clip, but can you play e.g. a video recorded with your iphone or even view a picture taken with iphone? However, good point Rob, I will open a new thread for OpenAirPlay, after a testing session.

22-04-14, 13:08
It is working fine, streaming photographs and videos from my android phone

Sent from my GT-I9195 using Tapatalk

22-04-14, 17:12
confirmed openair is fully working on Helios 005 with iPhone & iPad with YouTube photos moviebox etc
also no need to buy a premium key for openair not like airplayer (although I already have one!)
I've used openair on oe2.0 dreamboxes without any problem for a while but it did not work on my vu+ solo2 when I tested it before today
big thanks for your efforts guys
a happy foz :thumbsup:

22-04-14, 17:21
confirmed openair is fully working on Helios 005 with iPhone & iPad with YouTube photos moviebox etc
also no need to buy a premium key for openair not like airplayer (although I already have one!)
I've used openair on oe2.0 dreamboxes without any problem for a while but it did not work on my vu+ solo2 when I tested it before today
big thanks for your efforts guys
a happy foz :thumbsup:

Hi, where can I get open air from?

22-04-14, 17:27
It is working fine, streaming photographs and videos from my android phone

Sent from my GT-I9195 using Tapatalk

@mickyblueys Do you need to install a program on the android device to stream? If so which one is best?


Sent from my GT-I9100P using Tapatalk

22-04-14, 17:37
OpenAirPlay is on vix server (vix plugins)

22-04-14, 17:59
@mickyblueys Do you need to install a program on the android device to stream? If so which one is best?


Sent from my GT-I9100P using Tapatalk

I use imediashare from play store

Sent from my GT-I9195 using Tapatalk

22-04-14, 18:15
I use imediashare from play store

Sent from my GT-I9195 using Tapatalk

how do you get showbox to airplay using imediashare?
showbox android - moviebox apple are the same
I am not so big on android devices and I've never found a solution to be able to this
sorry I am off subject with this post but just wondered if and how you had been able to get it to work

22-04-14, 18:21
Never used showbox, so unsure of it.

Sent from my GT-I9195 using Tapatalk

22-04-14, 18:52
I've tried allcast as well but with no luck thanks anyway
Ps You don't know what your missing ! :eek:

22-04-14, 19:15
...working meaning what? It might work for a Youtube clip, but can you play e.g. a video recorded with your iphone or even view a picture taken with iphone? However, good point Rob, I will open a new thread for OpenAirPlay, after a testing session.

Yes from my android. I don't own an iPhone so cannot comment on ios

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 2

22-04-14, 19:18
how do you get showbox to airplay using imediashare?
showbox android - moviebox apple are the same
I am not so big on android devices and I've never found a solution to be able to this
sorry I am off subject with this post but just wondered if and how you had been able to get it to work

With showbox u cannot stream from my experience. However if u download it should stream. After Download I normally ftp to hdd rather than stream via openairplay

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 2

27-04-14, 16:46
I installed openairplay on helios.001 from plugin section. I hear only sound, no picture on anything I stream. Do I need to install somerhing else to see picture as well?

27-04-14, 16:57
You shouldn't need to, no. I have just started using it without any problems what so ever.

Sent from my GT-I9195 using Tapatalk

27-04-14, 18:46
You shouldn't need to, no. I have just started using it without any problems what so ever.

Sent from my GT-I9195 using Tapatalk

Strange. Im running it on Vu+ Ultimo. Anyone with solution for this? Any logs which could show why it does not work?

27-04-14, 18:48
Strange. Im running it on Vu+ Ultimo. Anyone with solution for this? Any logs which could show why it does not work?

So what is strange?? The plugin works!

Sent from my GT-I9195 using Tapatalk

27-04-14, 19:25
Strange. Im running it on Vu+ Ultimo. Anyone with solution for this? Any logs which could show why it does not work?
For info, I'm running OpenAirPlayer on a VU+ Ultimo here without any real problem - both video and music streams ok. So it can work. Not sure why your setup doesn't work. Audio quality is pretty poor, though.

On a separate note, I'm having some problems with a separate Duo2 which is connected via HDMI to a surround sound box. I need to enable downmixing to get any sound, but then I get intermittent sound when playing music. Video streams seem to work ok. Not looking for any solutions here. I'm open up a separate thread if I feel the need.

27-04-14, 20:38
plugin has zero parameters for config, it is either on or off, so there cant be any misconfiguration. Strange that it works for you but not for me. I get no video, only audio. Can the problem be with some compability issue e.g. with Ios version in Iphone/ipad? Which Ios version you have?

27-04-14, 20:50
Both my ipad and iPod are at work, so will check tomorrow, been using android phone today without problem 4.2.2 version

Sent from my GT-I9195 using Tapatalk

27-04-14, 20:56
plugin has zero parameters for config, it is either on or off, so there cant be any misconfiguration. Strange that it works for you but not for me. I get no video, only audio. Can the problem be with some compability issue e.g. with Ios version in Iphone/ipad? Which Ios version you have?
VU+ Ultimo: Helios build 010
iPhone 5: iOS7.0.4 (Jailbroken)

28-04-14, 10:44
Both my ipad and iPod are at work, so will check tomorrow, been using android phone today without problem 4.2.2 version

Sent from my GT-I9195 using Tapatalk

How did you get it to work with Android

28-04-14, 10:45
Using imediashare

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28-04-14, 11:23
Upgraded the iphone5 to Ios 7.1.1. and it started to work. Don't know if it was the reboot of iphone or upgrade that helped. However videos recorded with the iphone don't usually start playing on TV immediately, you need to start playing it on iphone and then change to airplay when video starts to play.
One thing I did not get to work is m3u8 streams played from iphone or ipad.

29-04-14, 12:55
Openairplay not working for me on my vu+ solo2 , just updated to the latest helios image and still nothing ,
I'm using Imediaplayer on my SG3 , it finds my xbmc ok but doest find my solo2

29-04-14, 20:18
I've tested open airplayer on my vu+duo with latest vix build and beam app for android, Results? Audio streamed fine same as YouTube,videos from phone and pictures and its FREE! So I will be using open airplayer from now on.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk

30-04-14, 16:26
Openairplay not working for me on my vu+ solo2 , just updated to the latest helios image and still nothing ,
I'm using Imediaplayer on my SG3 , it finds my xbmc ok but doest find my solo2

Working now , I uninstalled it and tried to install another version which complained about a missing bonjour module , installed it again and it works now , must have been a network error