View Full Version : E-Cigarettes and Vaping

09-03-14, 10:55
As a vaper myself I was wondering how many others we have here - did it get you off real cigarettes ?
Feel free to post details of the kit/mods you use and favourite flavours etc.

I went from 40 cigs a day to zero in a couple of days when I started vaping.

I use a Mini Nova and a Nova with ego-c batteries when I am out and about, for indoors I have an iTaste SVD mod with 2 Kanger Aerotanks and am currently vaping Celtic Flavours Red Banana with a dash of Strawberry in one of the Aerotanks, Dekang Honey Melon is in the other Aerotank, the Nova tank is full of Totally Wicked Honeydew Melon.

Am soon to be getting into my own juice mixing which will bring the cost down considerably although I do expect a certain amount of wastage initially due to experimentation.

Please support the european Vaping initiative - sign it here even if you don't vape, its not a petition but will seriously help your right to vape
E-Cigarettes Save Lives - Don't Let The Ignorant Take Them Away
Please Sign: This Is NOT A Petition


09-03-14, 11:25
Ive been vaping 11 months and have never looked back, started off on the e-cigs then soon realized what a complete rip off those things are! So i done a ton of research and through trial and error have found what i think is the best set up that works for me i use a variable voltage 1100 MaH ego-t battery and also use pass throughs(great when iam at work driving, or at home on the laptop) combined with a Evod mt3 clearomizer which are rebuildable, and i get my juice from a guy in ireland costs me aprx £13 per 100ml its nice and thick and tastes great, and is nearly a 1/3 of the price they charge in the uk :)

09-03-14, 11:28
you got a link for your guy in Ireland ?

09-03-14, 11:29
All sounds very disgusting :sofahide:

09-03-14, 11:31
oh and forgot to say i am vape tobacco & mint choc chip :)

09-03-14, 11:43
Am i allowed to post links here?
oh and forgot to say i am vape tobacco & mint choc chip :)

yes but you need to code it, paste the link into your reply then highlight it and select the # symbol on the top bar of the editor, this will place code tags around the link

09-03-14, 11:44
All sounds very disgusting :sofahide:

Not as disgusting as real cigarettes, infact it has been proved that there are more poisons in fresh air than there are in the vapour from these devices

09-03-14, 11:45
Try the apple flavour its out of this world.

you will notice the savings you will make when you order 2 or more from him thats what i normally do :)

09-03-14, 11:57
Still waiting for the link :p
In the meantime here is some vaping porn - my wife says it looks like a sex toy :eek:


09-03-14, 12:02
Link is up mate see edited post :)

09-03-14, 12:06
Still waiting for the link :p
In the meantime here is some vaping porn - my wife says it looks like a sex toy :eek:


Too small to be a sex toy ;)

09-03-14, 12:18
Too small to be a sex toy ;)
says a lot about the people you sleep with :roflmao:

09-03-14, 12:37
says a lot about the people you sleep with :roflmao:

Says alot about the size of your "equipment" LOL :D

09-03-14, 13:04
I am also vaporing now for 2 years but to be honest I also smoke still real cigarettes but a lot less. From the money I save I could buy a Solo2 every 2-3 month:-) I use a couple of VMax and a Sid together with Vivi Nova and Menthol fluid. I also tried a new BDC vaporizer but I am not convinced up to now.


09-03-14, 23:01
Been off the fags for 14 months now using the vapes. Currently my set up is a Kayfun Lite, mod, and a Nemesis mechanical mod, using efest batteries.

I tend to built my coils at around 1.4ohm and the trails of smoke it gives is unreal. Hoever, I'm having to vape 100% VG as I'm allergic to PG and that detracts from the taste. Often I go back to using my A7 dripper...

10-03-14, 00:47
I've completely stopped smoking now for 18 months since trying the e-cig, and I've been a smoker for 40 years. Viva Nova tanks with the spinner batteries, (or similar with the 510 connection) works a treat for me. I tried the "flavours" but didn't like them, so I just
use the tobacco one.
I get most of my stuff from
http://www.ukecigcabin.com/ and with code "AAEC 5%" you get 5 percent off, not much, but better than nothing, and they don't sell fakes/clones.

11-03-14, 00:32
Been vaping for about 1 & 1/2 years now.
My current bit of kit.


11-03-14, 00:50
oh and forgot to say i am vape tobacco & mint choc chip :)

Their 100ml bottles are great value.
Have had both apple & strawberry in 100ml from them.

Currently trying a strawberry & mint blend from a local shop & like it a lot...

11-03-14, 08:53
I do not understand this shop. I see 10x10ml around €100 and 1x10ml less then €4. Btw ego2.pl has 10ml hangsen for less then €2.5 (around 2 £ for you guys on the island:-))


18-03-14, 00:13
Been off the fags for 11 months now using the vapes

18-03-14, 00:45
I smoked for most of 22 years. It's easy to quit, I done it many times.
Now, I notice instantly when vapour rises from the guy at the bar - and I am back in the time when smoking was the norm, and the pub/club was foglike, and I smelled of tar (both breath and clothes) at night and morn (and nobody cared/grimaced)

In Dublin, Vaping has been banned on the Luas (city tram) and other train routes. I admit I don't know if there are any second hand harmful affects but banning is extreme, unless the ill affects are the same as reg cigs.

Hats off to you all for staying away from the tar.


18-03-14, 01:09
Hmmm it looks like us smokers are a dying breed! Good luck to all that have quit with the help of vaping I wish I was able to do the same.

18-03-14, 01:12
I wish I was able to do the same.

Get a decent battery, expensive but worth it.
Those starting kits & cheap batteries are a pain...

abu baniaz
18-03-14, 01:24
Hmmm it looks like us smokers are a dying breed!
Don't rush the process.

Kick it in. You're worth it.

02-04-14, 22:52
it's just a matter of strong conviction and not frequenting the places that holds tons of smokers as it becomes nostalgic

02-04-14, 23:17
it looks like the Welsh Assembly are trying to ban e-cigs in public places saw it on the BBC news today :(

02-04-14, 23:55
it's just a matter of strong conviction and not frequenting the places that holds tons of smokers as it becomes nostalgic
A strong battery also helps, even when around smokers, you don't feel the need to join them...

it looks like the Welsh Assembly are trying to ban e-cigs in public places saw it on the BBC news today :(
Yeah, stupid move IMO.

03-04-14, 07:37
The Welsh assembly are talking out of there arse when they say it's harmful, I have a copy of a scientific report that is an analysis of fresh air and pure vapour from an ecig and the fresh air is full of all sorts of poisons whereas not one was found in the vapour

04-04-14, 07:46
I just started vaping with a supersmoker ego

06-06-14, 12:36
Latest toy to add to my collection - Sigelei 30w mod fitted with the new Kanger Aerotank Mega and currently filled with Mystic Vapours Green fairy juice, fantastic flavour and smooth vape from this :thumbsup:

On another note is anyone going to Vapefest 2014 ?

06-06-14, 12:52
I am also a vaper have been for the last 18months , best thing I ever did and is the only thing that got me off the ciggies believe me I tried them all. As a 40 years of rollie smoking it was tuff ,but the vaping was like a duck to water and I have never looked back and have not had a ciggie,or wanted one in all the time I have been vaping.But got the bug and make my own box mods and mix my own juices now so really into it :).

06-06-14, 13:00
Mixing is next on my list :confused:
Speaking of box mods I had a few goes on a 78w one the other day the thing was absolutely awesome and give me my first public cloud vape - need to get a good RDA now (more money:eek:)

06-06-14, 13:09
You can build a 50w box mod for about 50 quid not problem :)


06-06-14, 13:18
Very nice mod - you got a good source for 72mg base ? want to get a litre or so

06-06-14, 13:23
try this :) http://www.freewebstore.org/Pirates-Vape


06-06-14, 17:41

Just got this beast, vamo v5 with kanger aero tank on top. By far the best vapour machine iv tried....

Sent from my D5503 using Tapatalk

06-06-14, 17:58
I am sure others will disagree but the Aerotank is a superb bit of kit I now have 4 of them 2 original and as of yesterday 2 Mega, I also like the V5 you have there :thumbsup:

i am going to do some experimenting with winding some coils for the Aero as I want lower resistance than the standard 2.0 and I can use some cotton wick

06-06-14, 19:29
Hands up, I'm a vapour too. It's been almost 2 years since using the weed. This is my little baby...

06-06-14, 19:55
i am going to do some experimenting with winding some coils for the Aero as I want lower resistance than the standard 2.0 and I can use some cotton wick

Let us know how you get on. :thumbsup:

Sent from my D5503 using Tapatalk

07-06-14, 03:30
Tried a few but Kanger always wins for quality of vape and no leaks

09-06-14, 13:00
Hi all
Just thought I would chip in on this, I smoked for around 40 years and had tried all sorts to quit, with no success. then I found vaping, I have been vaping for around 2 years now. I have tried all sorts of gear both high end and budget end. At the moment running 2 Provaris, ! with Kayfun lite on it and another with a Squape on it. I use cotton wool for wicking and 30/28 gauge kanthal for coils. Dabble a bit in mixing, but not a lot. all day vapes are Tiger blood from totally Wicked and Solstice from Cloud 9 Vaping, whom I must admit have the best customer care I have come across. Also got a fair few Genesis atomisers which I use indoors, some drippers as well. Mod wise 2 69 mech mods, 2 Roller mech mods a piccolo to go with the Spheroids and thats just some of them. For reviews, do a search of youtube. my fav reviewer is Todd.


09-06-14, 19:43
I was smoking 20 a day for 45 years. Started vaping about 2 years ago. I am much fitter and also saving a lot of money.

15-06-14, 20:47
The only way is to stop and keep dedication. Worked for me so far ;)

16-06-14, 12:29
Well i 2yrs know packed in hated them shitty patches and nicorette chewys,,,bought from farmfoods 5 pack of xtra strong mints for a quid
1 pack about 3 ciggys 2yrs later packed in thankyou for the doctor who told me hate mints know lol but dont smoke must of spent some money in 2yrs
Minted know lol seriuose try it

18-06-14, 15:50
I've been vaping for a year or so. I stopped smoking in days thanks to e-cigarettes.

Currently using a protank 2 which I've microcoiled and am using cotton wool as a wick.

Love it. I can't say I've saved money but I don't mind. I'd rather spend it on something I enjoy and is healthier than on smokes.

19-06-14, 22:55
I quit 7 months ago, after trying previously with those naff ecigs, 7 months ago i swapped to the Kangertech ProTank, and more recently the KangerTech AeroTank (which is better because you can vari the strength)... only when i swapped to using a decent vaper like KangerTech was I able to quit... cravings are less too, i do still have nicotine e liquid, but of course you can gradually lower that too... i use Ry4 liquid. and i have eGo cTwist battery

20-06-14, 00:20
Can anyone post a guide on how to get started... Don't really understand the terms like atomisers, coils, tanks, mods etc

I want to get the best experience from vaping, budget for the kit is anywhere from £60-160. That's just for the hardware. I understand the stuff about vapours being a mix of pg and vg - and some nicotine. Is it legal to get your own nicotine in.

What would be the best hardware to get. And is a mod type machine better than a variable ohm current type machine?


20-06-14, 07:23

Every body has a different idea and recommendations for starter kit but this is what I recommend to friends and people that ask me. Dont buy chinese tat off the market stall buy the proper gear from a reputable online store or shop and you will succeed.

For a stater kit that will get you going does not require separate batteries and comes with everything in the box and does not need a charge every day I recommend a MPV £37.00 all in :) http://myepack.co.uk/mods/itaste-mvp-v2-0-metal-grain.html I recommend this as it misses out a step and you will grow into the kit rather than you grow out of the kit. Simple for new users and advanced enough for you to experiment as your get experience.

For a glossary of vaping terms try here should explain most things clearly http://www.ecigology.com/e-cig-glossary/

for juices there are lot of companies I make my own but to start try these reputable companies http://www.chefsvapour.co.uk/ http://www.thealchemistscupboard.co.uk/ http://www.ecigarettedepot.co.uk/store/ all companies I have used and still use for flavour concentrates.

You can buy nicotine it is sold diluted in PG or VG and needs to be mixed you can buy from a couple of the companies I have mentioned. I would just buy premixed juices to start so you can find what flavours you like there are thousands of mixes and it takes a while to get some kind of direction on what you like. Its also a never ending story I still keep changing what I make as my tastes change constantly......

Need any help please shout I am happy to get you vaping I feel 100% better no cough or wheezing and I no longer stink of fags my blood pressure is back to normal and my Dr now has me as a non smoker. Added bonus is I can vape in my local so I can sit with my pint and not stand out side in the rain to get a nicotine fix :) Bonus :)

I am sure everybody else who vapes has there own ideas and there is a lot of gear out there good and bad but this is just my 2 cents... Oh and I have not had a ciggie in 18 months so it works

20-06-14, 08:54
some very good advice there from Stumpey :thumbsup: just to add to it, if you can, visit a proper bricks and mortar store near you so you can try out various juices and find one you really like, when you eventually get your kit don't immediately bin the fags but integrate the vaping into your day, you will find that as vaping tastes far better than a fag and will naturally lean towards that instead.
Vaping does not give an instant hit it takes slightly longer for the nicotine to be absorbed so don't wait till you are absolutely gasping before you vape.
Initially don't try to vape like you are smoking you will just end up coughing, rather just sip at it and you will find yourself taking bigger and better draws without any problems.
Also keep it simple initially and ignore all the stuff about mods/drippers etc (you will no doubt get into all that as you progress) - whatever you do stay away from the cig-alikes (n-joy, e-lites etc) they will just ruin your vaping experience.
And as Stumpey says stay away from the cheap chinese crap at the market, I would also recommend the MVP but with a Kanger Aerotank so you can control the draw.
A good forum with an excellent beginners section here http://ukvapers.org/

22-06-14, 11:14
hi vapers,my first order of an electric ciggy was november 2010,a tornado from totally wicked and i used pre-filled cartomisers mostly and i managed to quit the tabs instantly,ridiculed constantly outside my local from other smokers,"what the f##k is that"......."get a proper tab into ya"....."hey that does taste like a tab like".....anyway i kept at it for over a year and a half then one day i didnt have any juice and sadly i was a smoker again,tried it again about a year ago and couldnt find a juice/taste and a lot of liquid in mouth horrible tastes,never got back into it.
well am gonna give it another bash i smoke marlboro lights and they are kicking on £9 a pack,im gonna order a MPV what stumpey advised above,can anyone advise on any near to marlboro light juice knocking about or near to a ciggy taste im also partial to a menthol,cheers

22-06-14, 11:33
As I said in my post above try and visit a bricks and mortar store near you so you can try out all sorts of juices to find one you like, google vaping shop in your area.

29-06-14, 15:39
Just a heads up new company with an opening offer on juices for £1 per 10ml, I have just ordered some to try out


29-06-14, 16:36
Hi Max i am nes to this site just joined iv been vaping for a while.
Ihave a itaste 134 aitaste mvp a tecc e-pipe and a camry k1000 pipe all very good i usualy mix my own its more fun.
But iv found the best ejuice comes from america ie Hurricane Vape storm juice is very good and mtbakervaor.com banana cream pie.
Shipping is expensive but worth it.

12-07-14, 15:44
Latest toy to add to my collection - Sigelei 30w mod fitted with the new Kanger Aerotank Mega and currently filled with Mystic Vapours Green fairy juice, fantastic flavour and smooth vape from this :thumbsup:

On another note is anyone going to Vapefest 2014 ?

where is a good place to buy this piece of kit. i'm looking for the best, more reliable kit out there. somethin g that would make the transition from real cigerettes to this as easy as possible.

kit that allows adjustment in amp is an advantage but durability and nice smooth action is the most important.

KangerTech AeroTank is what i'm after - many suggestions made for it - where's the best place to buy?

12-07-14, 17:01
myepack for both

13-07-14, 00:34
myepack for both
Thanks for that.

I saw the kagner aerotank v2 for £18. So was going to buy that.

But then needed the other part with starter kit. So looked under mods and so the vamo v5 which was mentioned by someone else in this thread. So was going to buy that until I noticed you need to choose a clearomiser with it. Which I don't really understand. Anyway I chose the mini kagner Aerotank from the clearomiser option.

My question is, with v2 aerotank work as a clearomiser instead of the mini version you need from the v5 kit?

Also I would be happy to purchase any starter kit that your recommendation which is similar to vamo v5 spec.


13-07-14, 02:23
I've narrowed down my search to either vamo v5 or
Itaste MVP v2 (carbon or steel?)
Which would you recommend?

Also can both be used with kugner aerotank v2 and aerotank mega?

13-07-14, 05:04
I had the Vamo V5 with an Aspire Nautilus tank. Worked great for awhile then I notived the tank would'nt screw to the V5. I contacted the retailer who advised me that the screw thread had expanded. It will still fit a V3 tank but not the ones that have a screw thread in the middle (if that makes sense).

25-07-14, 17:24
Hi guys,reading this thread has made me try vaping once again,this time with better kit,I bought an MVP v2 which I use with it s original iclear 30,I also bought an aero tank v2 but find the iclear more to my liking,for startup juice I'm using USA mix 12mg which helps making the transition to vaping from my Marlboro light.I only have one question:do I have to buy a tank for each flavour or I can use a single tank for diferent flavours?