View Full Version : Recording oddity

08-03-14, 17:41
Using a fresh flash, latest version, I'm finding that on my Samsung TV (streamed from MiniDLNA on my Duo) it's selecting the first audio channel (there is no option to change audio streams), and for whatever reason when it's recording, it's keeping the Audio Narration (NAR) first and that's what I get on my remote tv. On the Duo itself, it records both the standard channel and NAR and is selectable. How do I stop it from recording both audio streams?

08-03-14, 17:44
you cant to my understanding. when you make a recording it records every thing including any subs or alternate audio channels, you can use third party software on a PC to remove the unwanted parts at a later date, but there is nothing you can do to prevent them being recorded in the first place.

08-03-14, 20:48
you cant to my understanding. when you make a recording it records every thing including any subs or alternate audio channels, you can use third party software on a PC to remove the unwanted parts at a later date, but there is nothing you can do to prevent them being recorded in the first place.

Thanks - is there any way of altering around which they record as, if it's the second track, my tv won't have that option then not use the NAR channels.

Rob van der Does
09-03-14, 14:30
Nope, as Pheonix said the complete TS is being recorded. A pity the TV has such a limitation though.

Of course you can use your STB for playback; then you have all the normal functionality.