View Full Version : [Venton Unibox HDx] no updates on vix for months

06-03-14, 02:00
Hi all would anyone know why I havnt had any updates for the vix image on my venton hd2 box since before Xmas I havnt had a update from the feed just wondering if there has been any updates lately also I hear there is a new version of fix being released soon any idea when this will be thanks

06-03-14, 02:11
yes we are working on the successor to ViX 3.0 but we cant comment on ETA's for a number of reasons, we have a twitter feed that you can follow for news and updates relating to the image and forum, the link is in my signature.

06-03-14, 02:34
Thanks phenoix has there been any updates since Xmas on vix 808 lately as I have noticed I havnt had a update on my box since around Xmas time before then I was getiing updates very regular on my venton HD 2

06-03-14, 02:41
no build 808 is the last in the ViX 3.0 image series, as it stands rite now there will be no further updates or upgrades to this image line, the new image will be released shortly but dont expect a raft of new wonderful features, the vast majority of the work has been on the image core and the parts you wont see.

06-03-14, 03:36
Thank you phenoix :thumbsup: